
  1. 建立明确的个人信用记录;

    Build up clear and definite personal credit records ;

  2. 针对此问题,本文从信用记录的原则、范围、使用规定及个人信用记录的维护等方面提出了在个人信用体系建设立法中对个人隐私权保护的措施。

    To the problem , the article provides some measures to protect privacy during the establishing of credit system from the principle of credit record , limit , use and the running of it .

  3. 对政府而言,要规范学费价格体系、加大资助资金投入力度、开拓资金筹措方法并监督资金合理使用、构建全国个人信用记录网络、为高校资助政策提供法律支持;

    Firstly , the government should standardize the tuition price system , increase the number of supporting fund , seek for more funding channels , supervise the proper use of fund , establish a national individual credit system , provide legal support for college students supporting policy ;

  4. 由于信用卡风险不仅会导致个人信用记录的缺失,而且也会影响商业银行的声誉,不仅致使个体商业银行蒙受损失,更会动摇整个国家的信用根基。

    Because credit card will not only make the individual risk suffer a loss of commercial banks , but also would be reflect the national credit foundation ; not only influence the lack of personal credit record , but also affect the reputation of the commercial banks .

  5. 它们用智能软件挖掘电子数据流来计算信誉,而不是像传统的信用评分那样,以个人的信用记录为基础。

    They mine streams of digital data with clever software to calculate creditworthiness instead of relying on a person 's credit history , the main ingredient in traditional credit scoring .

  6. 二是建立个人信用信息库。包括建立项目相关负责人个人信用记录和将企业的信用表现与工程项目相关负责人个人信用表现挂钩。

    Second is to set up the information storehouse of individual credit , including setting up personal credit record of relevant project director and relating credit performance of enterprise with personal credit record of relevant project director .