
  • 网络credit against pledge of chattels
  1. 在选择性货币政策即结构政策调控房地产市场价格有效性的研究中,侧重分析了不动产信用控制与优惠利率对我国房价走势的深远影响。

    In the studies of the selective monetary policy : focused on the significant implications of the real estate credit control and preferential interest rates on the real estate prices .

  2. 不动产信用银行以供给土地开发、都市改良、小区发展、道路建设、观光设施及房屋建筑等所需中、长期信用为主要任务。

    The principal functions of a real estate credit bank shall be to extend medium-and long-term credit for the purposes of land development , city improvement , urban development , road construction , tourist facilities and housing construction projects .

  3. 普通法系的不动产登记制度是英美国家确保本国不动产财产权转让信用秩序的重要制度。

    The credit assurance system of real property conveyancing is a focus subject of law .