
dònɡ jī xīn lǐ xué
  • motivation psychology
  1. 动机心理学的研究表明人类存在两种相对独立的动机系统:外显动机(explicitmotives)和内隐动机(implicitmotives)。

    Research from motivation psychology showed that there are two independent motivational systems in human : explicit and implicit motives .

  2. 心理学界关于学习动机的理论有着丰富而久远的研究,并且随着研究的深入,不断加入新的内容,极大地充实了动机心理学。

    In the field of main stream of general psychology , theories and researches on motivation are wide and deep and with the research going on , more and more new findings are added , this largely extends motivation psychology .

  3. 该理论强调如何对情绪的体验和表达施加正面影响,符合了身心健康教育的时代需求,在教育心理学、动机心理学及情绪心理学领域倍受关注。

    That emphasize how to experience of motion and express to exert the front side influence , meet the ages need that mind and body healthily educate , from here at educate the psychology , the motive psychology and the motion psychology realms to be doubly pay attention to .

  4. 大学生入党动机的心理学分析

    Analysis of College Students ' Motive for Communist Party Membership

  5. 现代人旅游动机的心理学分析

    Cyber citizen 's schizophrenia mentality and self-adjustment in cyber media of human relationship Analysis of modernist 's mentality motivation to tour

  6. 这里我的旨趣不在动机的心理学方面,我不准备去论证人们在做出利他行为时,是否“真的”私下或下意识地抱有自私的动机。

    I am not concerned here with the psychology of motives . I am not going to argue about whether people who behave altruistically are " really " doing it for secret or subconscious selfish motives .

  7. 学习动机是教育心理学领域的一个重要概念。

    They are significant concepts in the field of Educational Psychology .

  8. 学习动机是教育心理学的重要概念,也是职业教育研究的一个重要命题。

    Learning motivation is an important concept in educational psychology .

  9. 动机,在心理学中,是指驱动人或动物产生各种行为的原因。

    Motive , in psychology , it is referring to the reasons that people or animals have driven all kinds of behavior .

  10. 学习动机是教育心理学研究的重要概念,是促进学生进行学习活动的动因,对学习起着定向和内驱力作用,与学生学业成绩密切相关。

    Learning motivation , an important concept in education psychology , is an element that propels students to learn . It plays a role in motivating students to learn and in directing their learning . And it is closely related to students ' school results .

  11. 成就动机是社会心理学理论中一个重要概念,它指个体追求自认为重要的有价值的工作,并使之达到完美状态的内在心理过程。

    Achievement motivation is an important concept in the theory of social psychology . Achievement motivation is that Individual pursuit the job which thinks important or valuable , and . makes the perfect state of internal mental process . Domestic and foreign scholars have studied in this .

  12. 成就动机历来是管理心理学研究中的一个重点领域。

    The research of achievement motivation is a key field of managerial psychology .

  13. 动机问题历来是心理学领域的重要问题。

    Motivation is always an important issue in Psychology .

  14. 学习能力与学习动机历来是教育心理学专家和教育教学工作者关注的课题。

    The learning capability and study motive are the topics among educational psychologists and teachers .

  15. 在本论文中,也对模糊语言在广告英语中的应用进行了从动机方面着手的心理学领域的分析。

    In this study , an analysis in the field of psychology is also expounded from the aspect of motivations .

  16. 这其中的创作动机,运用现代心理学知识的解释,即作者内心深处生活本能意识和死亡本能意识的激荡。

    The motive of the novel , using the modern psychological analysis , is the instinct of life and the agita .

  17. 从80年代中期开始,锻炼动机便成为运动心理学研究中的一个热点课题,一定水平的锻炼动机使参加者在锻炼过程中表现得更加努力,能更好的促进锻炼行为。

    Since the middle of 1980s , the exercise motivation has become a popular subject in the field of Sports Physiology research . A certain level of exercise motivation can make the exercise participators behave harder and better when they doing the exercises .

  18. 二语/外语学习动机研究主要有社会心理学派和主流动机心理学派。

    There are mainly two divisions of motivational study in psychology , namely socio - psychology and mainstream motivational psychology .

  19. 教学中学生的动机对学生的学习绩效和素质发展有着重大影响,教学中的学生动机是教育心理学研究中的一个新热点。

    Students ' motivation in teaching exerts a significant effect on their learning performance and the development of quality and is a focus researched by educational psychology .