
  • 网络right to personal information
  1. 我国至今还没有能够制定个人信息保护法,对个人信息权保护的理论基础还存在争议。

    There is still controversy on theory basis of the right to personal information protection .

  2. 具体列举了常见的个人信息权客体形式。

    Specify examples of common forms of personal information right .

  3. 信用档案管理中的个人信息权及其保护策略

    Right of Personal Information and Its Protective Tactics in Management of Credit Archives

  4. 我国个人信息权的刑法保护相关问题研究

    A Study on the Criminal Law Protection of Personal Information Right in China

  5. 确定了本文的个人信息权内容包括:1、信息决定权。

    The right of personal information in this article include : 1.information decision .

  6. 个人信息权及其民法保护

    Right of Personal Information and Its Civil Law Protection

  7. 必须对个人信息权进行明确,将其作为一项具体人格权进行保护。

    So , right of personal information must be a specific right of personality .

  8. 个人信息权的性质和内容。

    The nature and contents of PI right .

  9. 论个人信息权

    On the Right of the Personal Information

  10. 第四章分析了个人信息权法律关系的主体、客体和内容。

    The fourth chapter analyzes subject , object and content of the right of personal information .

  11. 从法律属性而言,个人信息权是一项独立的人格权。

    As for its legal attribute , right of personal information is a separate right of personality .

  12. 第二部分着眼于个人信息权属性的分析,为本文论证的基点。

    The second part focuses on the analysis of personal information rights as the basis the paper argues .

  13. 但它又与个人信息权存在交叉之处,保障个人的网络隐私不能阻碍信息的流通。

    Ensuring personal network personal secrets should not hinder the circulation of information for its crossing with personal information right .

  14. 我国在面对此种情形也已经开始关注个人信息权的保护。

    In the face of this situation , China has started to pay attention to the protection of personal information .

  15. 最后一部分是结论部分,重申对个人信息权保护的重要性和必要性。

    The last part is the conclusion , reiterating the importance and necessary of the protection of the personal information right .

  16. 公民的个人信息权是根据《刑法修正案(七)》第7条提出的一个新名词。

    Personal information rights of citizens is based on " Criminal Law Amendment ( 7 )" Article 7 proposed a new term .

  17. 明确了个人信息权法律关系的主体是自然人信息主体,排除了法人作为主体的可能性。

    Natural person is the main subject of the legal relationship of personal information , excluding the possibility of legal persons as a principal .

  18. 综前几部分所述,笔者提出了一些完善公民个人信息权刑法保护的合理化建议。

    Based on the above analysis , the author puts forward some citizens the right of criminal law protection of personal information , reasonable suggestions .

  19. 在立法模式上对个人信息权的法律构建,应从民法典以及个人信息保护法两个层次进行。

    The law construction of right of personal information in legislative mode should be conduced from two levels : civil code and personal information protection law .

  20. 自然人是个人信息权的主体,个人信息权利之设定是为了保护自然人的权益。

    Natural person is the subject of his personal information right , and the enactment of the personal information right is to protect the natural person 's right .

  21. 同时,本部分之后介绍了对个人信息权侵害的救济,包括了三方面,即民法上的救济、行政法上的救济、刑法上的救济。

    At the same time , this section described the relief on the personal information right , including the three aspects , namely , civil , criminal and administrative relief .

  22. 公民个人信息权是我国公民在私权领域中的基础性权益,它体现了公民对于自身信息安全保障的迫切需求。

    Citizens ' personal information right is the basic rights of citizens in the field of personal rights which suggest that the security of information is the fatal demand of our Chinese citizens .

  23. 第二部分是个人信息权的一般理论,通过对个人信息权的定义和性质的分析,从而确定个人信息权的范围,为对个人信息的保护提供理论基础。

    The next one is general theory . According of the identification and character of personal information , it is to confine spectrum and provide fundamental basis for the right of individual information protection .

  24. 个人信息权包括了信息决定权、信息保密权、信息知情权、信息更正权、信息封锁权、信息删除权、信息报酬权和信息维护权等。

    The right of personal information contains the rights of information decision , information secrecy , information consultation , information correction , information blockage , information deletion , information requiring payment , information management etc.

  25. 个人信息权是指自然人对自身的个人信息所享有的权利,具体的权能包括知悉权、更正权、删除权、限制使用权、限期保存权、商业利用禁止权、收益权。

    Aware of the specific powers and functions , including the information right , rectification right , expurgation right , restricted usufruct right , restricted preservation right , forbid Business Utilization right , proceeds of sale right .

  26. 所谓个人信息权,就是指信息主体对本人个人信息所享有的支配、处分、排除他人侵害以及依法取得赔偿的权利。

    The so-called right of personal information is information that the personal information my personal information subject to the domination enjoyed by , disposition , and the exclusion of others against the right to compensation according to law .

  27. 如我国刑法修正案七规定,对个人信息权的严重侵害构成非法提供个人信息罪,并规定了侵权人要负相应的刑事责任。

    For example , in the provisions of the Criminal Law Amendment VII , infringing on the personal information right constitutes " crime of illegally providing personal information " and it provides the infringer to bear a corresponding responsibility .

  28. 本文赞同对个人信息权实行人格权和财产权双重保护的复合权说的观点,因为这样可以弥补传统的单纯人格权保护模式的不足。

    This article agrees with the composite view of the right which holds the personal information right should be protected through the double protection of personal and property rights , because it can make up for the traditional lack of moral rights protection mode .

  29. 特别近年来随着美国公开权研究的深入,许多学者都偏向于财产属性的认定,并主张将其纳入财产法的保护范围予以保护,偏离了个人信息权的人格权本质。

    Especially in recent years with the further study to the public right in U.S. , many scholars tend to agree with the recognition of property attributes and advocate the protection of property law which deviates from the personality essence of the personal information right .

  30. 我国未来民法典应该总体上确认个人信息权,而非置于隐私权之下,由信息主体基于意思自治决定何时何地以何种方式对其个人信息进行收集、处理和利用。

    In the future civil code , right of personal information is separate rather than attached to privacy . Information subjects have right to decide by himself / herself when , where and how to collect , handle and use his / her personal information .