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  1. 两人越说越拧。

    The more they talked , the more they disagreed .

  2. 这两速度越高,总的加捻效率越低。

    The higher these speeds , the lower the twisting efficiency .

  3. 两个人越亲近

    And the closer you get ,

  4. 根据越区切换的不同控制方式,本章提出两种越区切换策略。

    Based on the controller of handover , two handover methods are proposed in this chapter .

  5. 本文主要研究两阶段越库物流作业调度问题及其算法设计。

    This paper studies the so called two-stage cross docking logistics scheduling problem and its algorithms .

  6. 两支越赤道气流对亚洲夏季风系统各成员的影响存在明显差异。

    The two cross-equatorial flows are found to have different influences on the circulation changes related to different members of the Asian summer monsoon system .

  7. 邻近的大连路、新建路两条越江隧道使浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区近在咫尺。

    While two cross-river tunnels become superb transportation links to the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone , the Qinghuangdao EXPO Park River Entrance covers only a few minutes'walk .

  8. 两人越来越疏远。

    The two have become increasingly estranged .

  9. 束缚水与自由水、叶绿素a与b含量的比值变化可以反映红树植物抗寒力变化:两种比值越高,抗寒力越强。

    The ratio of leaf bound water to free water and the ratio of leaf chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b may reflect the cold resistance ability of these two mangrove species : the higher the both are , the stronger the cold resistance ability is .

  10. 传统的金融理论基于一种线性思维,假定收益率序列是一个I.I.D过程。但是近些年来,有效市场理论在理论和实证检验两方面越来越受到挑战。

    Traditional financial theory is based on a linear thinking , it is assumed that yield sequence is a process of I.I.D. But in recent years , efficient market theory has been accepted more and more challenges in the theory and empirical testing .

  11. 这两种比率越高,投资的吸引力就越大。

    The higher the ratio , the more attractive the investment .

  12. 以总加权完工时间为目标的两台机越库排序的动态规划算法

    Dynamic Programming Algorithm on Two Machines Cross Docking Scheduling with Total Weighted Completion Time

  13. 热爆温度越高,两体系反应越彻底;

    As the initial temperature becomes higher , the two systems react more thoroughly .

  14. 但是第二轮,两匹马越来越近,越来越近,猛然间,田忌的马胜出了。

    But the second race was close , close , then bang , Tianji 's horse won .

  15. 在热点处单元的应力梯度越大,两结果差别越明显。

    The two results are the more obvious different , the greater the stress gradient around the hot spot .

  16. 难怪人们觉得卡梅伦和克莱格两个越来越难以分辨。

    So it is no surprise that voters are finding David Cameron and Nick Clegg increasingly difficult to tell apart .

  17. 不确定性越强,两个女人越可能相互保持距离。

    The more uncertainty there is , the more each woman is likely to keep the other at arm 's length .

  18. 尤其值得一提的是,印度与日本的关系已经在发力。这得益于新德里和东京两方面越来越大的热情。

    India 's ties with Japan , in particular , have been gaining momentum thanks to growing enthusiasm in both New Delhi and Tokyo .

  19. 斯威夫特的强烈拒斥只是把事态放大:她越是想远离韦斯特,这两个人就越是紧紧地绑在一起。

    Ms. Swift 's revulsion only amplifies the situation : The farther from Mr. West she tries to pull , the more tightly they are bound .

  20. 不论这个候选人团体的政治动机如何,温茨等成员都抓住了高等教育中两个越来越有争议的话题:天文数字般的大学费用和平权措施。

    Whatever the political motivations of the slate , Mr. Unz and the other members have hit on two increasingly contentious issues in higher education : astronomical college costs and affirmative action .

  21. 而在能力相对宽裕的越行段,组织两站式越行、三站式越行,可以提高中速列车的旅行速度。这样可以最大限度地缓解高速铁路通过能力与中速列车旅行速度之间的矛盾。

    While at the overtaking section with relative ampleness , the traveling speed of medium trains can be improved by organizing two-station or three-station overtaking , which to the largest extent would alleviate the contradiction between carrying capacity and traveling speed of medium-speed trains .

  22. 水平层状承压含水层的理论研究表明,井水位对气压响应的滞后时间主要取决于含水层的导水系数和气压变化的周期,这两种参数越大,则滞后时间越小。

    The theory study on the horizontal multilayer confined aquifer shown that the lag time of response of well Water level mainly depends on the transmissibility of aquifer and the change peroid of barometric pressure . The bigger the two parameters , the smaller is the lag time .

  23. 结果发现,新产品研发市场的总价值越大,两个企业越倾向于进行研发投资,而这里研发成功率高的企业将优先于另一家企业在更低的目标研发市场价值上进行研发投资。

    In the simulation analysis , we find that both the firms will invest if the total value of the new product development become higher , and the enterprise which has higher success rate of R & D will invest at first in a lower target development market value .

  24. 比较两种不同的越区供电方式对西昌电网PCC节点谐波电压的影响;

    Two kinds of beyond area supply modes are compared on influence of the harmonic voltage on point of common coupling ( PCC );

  25. 两餐间隔时间越短、经常吃零食、BMI值越大、经常暴饮暴食的人群,TG水平比较高。

    The shorter two meal time intervals , the more intake of snack , the higher BMI , the more overeat and overdrink , the higher level of TG is .

  26. 随着临床肾穿病理诊断IgA肾病Lee分级的级别越高,临床中医辨证诊断为阴阳两虚证的可能性越大,诊断为脾肾气虚证的可能性越小。

    If the pathology grade of Lee in IgA nephropathy is more higher , the probability of deficiency syndrome of both YIN and YANG is bigger , the probability of syndrome of deficiency of kidney-QI and spleen-QI is smaller .

  27. 随着企业规模的扩大,传统的两层Intranet越来越不适应企业的发展,而在三层模式下进行重组是解决问题的最好方式。

    With the increasing scale of enterprises , the traditional Intranet based on a two-layer pattern ( Client / Server ) can not facilitate the development of enterprises . Instead , the Intranet recombination based on a three-layer pattern will be a better choice .

  28. 这两天咳嗽越来越严重。

    The cough is getting worse and worse for those days .

  29. 年龄越高,两周患病率越高,老年卫生服务需要越多。

    Older residents had higher two-week prevalence rate and required more health services .

  30. 请来两杯咖啡,越快越好。

    Two coffee please , and make it snappy .