
  1. 从GDP崇拜到GNH关怀,是两种发展观的转变,其实质就是对幸福的一种崭新诠释和评价标准的转变。

    The change from GDP Worship to GNH Concern is a change of two viewpoints of development , and its essence is a change of a kind of brand-new annotation and evaluation standard to happiness .

  2. 深刻地发挥了列宁关于两种发展观的理论,把这个理论同中国革命实践相结合,解决了一系列的实际问题;

    He solved a series of practical problems by integrating this theory with the practice of the Chinese revolution .

  3. 其实,存在两种发展观,即马克思发展观和西方发展观,二者立足于现代性社会,同根同源又根本对立。

    In fact , there are two development views , which are Marx 's development view and west development view , being established in modernity society , being same root and being ultimately oppose .

  4. 系统科学揭示了事物发展的运动机制和过程,描绘了物质世界发展的立体图景,为唯物辩证法的发展观提供了科学基础。然而,这两种发展观又有着较大的差异。

    System science demonstrates the mechanism of movement and development , depicts tridimensional prospect of the material world developments of the nature and human society by comparing directions , reasons and differences when they comprehend the chanciness between system science and materialistic dialectics .

  5. 零和观与均胜观:社会经济活动中的两种利益观和发展观没有能够清晰地界定和保障这些目标是导致企业外包中意外损失的重要原因之一。

    A Study on Win lose Value and Win win Value : Two Ways of Thinking and Perception in Social Economic Activities Corporations who fail to find and gain the targets will lose value in outsourcing .