- two skins—two related matters or aspects becoming disjointed and uncoordinated

Teaching and research should not be separated , as if they were unrelated .
Enthusiastic discussions were st-ill going on in the period of1988-1989 about the economic accounting sys-tem and about the twofold system of forestry and forest industry .
However , new style industrialization and urbanization of Chongqing are separated .
You can 't get two hides from one ox.
The quality education , education planning and curricula designing were not merged together .
They are not combined at all .
Literary criticism and linguistic scholars do not together study the art and forms of poetic language .
The quality education and the speciality teaching reformation are combined tightly , and can 't be separated .
This structure may not help to making it a true science and adopting a correct attitude towards marxist economic theories .
The last two skins , namely , national capitalist and small producer ownership , were targets of the socialist revolution .
Two pieces of skins , the structure of economics reflects some people 's deviation in recognizing the functions of economics .
The administration of moral education in colleges and universities sees the following problems : emphasizing science education , neglecting moral education ;
However , there is phenomenon of " two pieces of skin " between the present research of archival administration program and practice .
According to our country ' experience , there is a " two sheet skin " phenomena between hydroelectric exploitation and area economic development .
How to deal with the problem in the area of theory higher its value while practice lower its value is still a great problem .
To be concrete , the quality education was treated as an additional part to the curricula plan , even becoming a synonym of extra-curricula activities .
Our country establish the Hi-Tech zone in order to solve the science and technology and " two skin " problem of the economy for a long time .
Based on empirical data , this thesis analyzes the dichotomy between the villager 's committee and the party branch in some villages in the background of villagers ' autonomy .
Due to the differences between the public prosecution mechanism on Court and judicial administration , there exist the phenomenon of " written law " and " practical law " .
At the same time , the misdistribution of scientific research strength between the enterprises and the research institutes cause the phenomenon of production and technology " two skins " .
From a re-analysis of the " two-skin " phenomenon , the paper argues that the ultimate aim of studying foreign theories of linguistics should be to help develop Chinese linguistics .
At present as high-tech zones with their nearby towns have obvious differences such as development level , goals and administration systems , the situation of separation is very prominent and it affects the development courses of high-tech zones and towns respectively .
The government must study and formulate a plan and working project as quickly as possible in order to eliminate the phenomenon of " two pieces of skin " that is government administration of the informationalization , the information service and the enterprise informationalization ;
To improve the practicability of moral education , a sound moral education management system must be established to overcome the tendency of the separation of teaching and supervision in education .