
  • 网络The Two of Us
  1. 为了拥有两人世界,我什么都愿意。

    For an occasion like this , I 'll do anything .

  2. 肌肤间亲昵的触碰会降低你们的血压,缓解紧张情绪,使两人世界更为甜蜜。

    Skin-to-skin contact can lower your blood pressure , decrease stress levels and really just make you happier .

  3. 就在那一刻,在他们的两人世界里,一切都正好,一切都变得可能,处处是生机。

    But for that moment , everything was right with their world , everything was possible , everything aligned .

  4. 无论是社交场合,还是和朋友谈天说地或者是浪漫的两人世界,雷司令都是最好的选择。

    A Riesling should never be forgotten at social occasions , philosophizing with friends or just at a romantic evening for two .

  5. 很多人都喜欢沉浸在温馨浪漫的两人世界里,哪些现代英语能帮你营造这样一个世界呢?

    Most people are interested in going out with others on a romantic basis ! What Modern English can help you get started ?

  6. 这也说明了有些年轻夫妇担心经济吃紧,也忧虑照顾以及教育孩子的问题而选择过两人世界。

    This is an indication that some young couples may opt to remain childless as they are worried about problems such as financial strain , nurturing and education .

  7. 灵动的光线行过床沿,停留在如纱的帷幔上,轻轻摇荡出最清脆的声响,深印在私密的两人世界里。

    The smart rays walk at the side of bed , staying around the white antependium with the clean voice , which can print deeply in private fields of the couple .

  8. 无论你身处空窗期或者两人世界,这个简单的练习都能让你感到满足,随时随地,在情人节,或者情人节以外的任何一天。

    Whether you are enjoying single-hood or couple-hood , this simple practice can be practiced to your heart 's content anytime , anywhere , any day , and not just on Valentines'Day .

  9. 这种非主流世界主要包括一人世界、两人世界、虚拟世界、梦幻世界和老乡世界。

    People pay close attention to the mainstream world , while ignoring the non-mainstream one , including " single world ", " double world "," virtual world ", " fanciful world " and " county fellow world " .

  10. 眼前没有别人,只是你我两人的世界。

    Just the two of us , and nobody else in sight .

  11. 我不是才刚进入这个两人的世界吗?天哪,我已经是个结过婚的女人了?已经是个大人了耶!

    Haven 't I just joined the couple-world ? I 'm now a married woman , for goodness sake ! A grownup !

  12. 处女座的女性比较保守,这对喜欢慢热进入两人感情世界的男性来说是最合适不过的人选了。

    Virgo woman is conservative and old fashioned , a typical woman who is perfect for the man who loves a challenge and likes to take a relationship slow .

  13. 你记得米奇尔和妈妈以前总沉浸在他们的两人小世界吗,就他们俩,闲人勿进。

    You remember the way mom and Mitchell used to be in their private little club , just the two of them , and no one else allowed in .

  14. 追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。

    The thrill of the chase , the blood pumping through your veins1 , just the two of us against the rest of the world .

  15. 显然,两人在真实世界中都迷失了自己。

    Both of them apparently lose themselves in the real world .

  16. 我们太容易陷入我们两人私有的世界里,这是紧绷的气氛带来的少许幻觉。

    It was too easy to get wrapped up in our own private , tense little bubble .

  17. 我从心底里诅咒他们两人,因为世界上我最疼爱的仅仅是我的女儿。

    And I cursed them both in my heart , for of all the world I loved but my daughter .

  18. 她这届政府重塑了英国政治格局。1980年,罗纳德里根(RONALDREAGAN)当选美国总统之后,两人联手重塑了世界格局。

    Her government reshaped the politics of the UK and , after the election of Ronald Reagan as president of the US in 1980 , these two reshaped the world .

  19. 两人需要学会对世界的不同看法。

    Both need to learn they view the world in different ways .

  20. 他们都是美国人,伍德在俄克拉荷马州长大,巴伊茨在密歇根州长大。在内心深处,两人都喜欢周游世界。

    They are both Americans-he grew up in Oklahoma and she in Michigan-and they are both travelers at heart .

  21. 两人说,给世界的讯息是在激励和爱情的力量下,任何一个人都可以不屈不饶,生存下去。

    Their message to the world , they say , is that any human being can persevere and survive while staying inspired and in love .

  22. 首先我要承认,两人都是目前世界上最好的球员,他们的成就也足以引起不少的关注。

    I 'll be the first to admit , these are the two best players in the world right now and they deserve to get some attention for their achievements .