
  • 网络wgc;The World Gold Council;K-gold
  1. 领导层换届为金融市场带来了不确定性,世界黄金协会远东区董事总经理郑良豪(AlbertCheng)表示。

    Impending changes of leadership created uncertainty in the financial markets , said Albert Cheng , managing director for the far east at the WGC .

  2. 世界黄金协会报告称,全球而言,黄金ETF是首季黄金需求的亮点,自2012年末季以来首次录得资金净流入。

    Globally gold ETFs had been a bright spot for the bullion in the first quarter , with inflows for the first time since the fourth quarter of 2012 , the WGC report said .

  3. 但来自世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)的最新数据显示,中国消费者对黄金的需求颇为强劲。

    Yet the latest figures from the World Gold Council show that consumer demand in China is strong .

  4. 据黄金开采行业组织世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)的数据,近几个月,印度和中国的黄金需求减弱。

    Demand from India and China has weakened in recent months , according to the World Gold Council , a gold-mining industry group .

  5. 世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)提供的数据显示,中国是全球最大的黄金生产国以及仅次于印度的第二大黄金消费国。

    China is the world 's largest producer of gold and the second-largest consumer behind India , based on data from the World Gold Council .

  6. 但spdrgoldtrust的创造者世界黄金协会(worldgoldcouncil)背后的各大矿商却被它们所创造的这只基金抛在了后面。

    But the creators of the SPDR gold trust , the miners behind the World Gold Council , are being left behind by their creation .

  7. 行业机构世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)的数据显示,在截至6月的3个月内,世界黄金需求下降了12%,降至914.9吨的六年新低。

    Global gold demand dropped 12 per cent to 914.9 tonnes in the three months to June , a six-year low , according to the World Gold Council , an industry body .

  8. 世界黄金协会(worldgoldcouncil)称,今年上半年,中国的黄金需求量飙升至165.4吨,比上年同期上升31%。

    Chinese gold demand surged in the first half of the year to 165.4 tonnes , up 31 per cent from the same time a year earlier , according to the World Gold Council .

  9. 采矿业游说组织&世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)估计,去年中国黄金总需求从十年前的200吨左右,猛增至近450吨。

    Total Chinese gold demand surged last year to nearly 450 tonnes , up from about 200 tonnes a decade ago , according to the World Gold Council , the lobby group of the mining industry .

  10. 全球石油库存仅能满足48天的原油需求,而按照世界黄金协会(worldgoldcouncil)的估计,已被开采出来的黄金总计16.3万吨,能够持续使用375年,接近石油的3000倍。

    Global oil stockpiles would satisfy just 48 days of crude demand , while the 163000 tonnes of gold that the World Gold Council estimates are above ground would last 375 years , or nearly 3000 times longer .

  11. 世界黄金协会(worldgoldcouncil)称,今年第三季度,仅印度就消费了250吨黄金,价值约50亿美元,较2007年同期增长近三分之一。

    The World Gold Council says that India alone consumed 250 tonnes of gold , worth about $ 5bn , in the third quarter of this year a rise of nearly a third on the same period in 2007 .

  12. 根据行业组织世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)提供的数据,二季度全球黄金需求降至990吨,同比下降7%,为2010年一季度以来的最低水平。

    Demand in the period fell by 7 % to 990 metric tons from the second quarter of 2011 , according to the World Gold Council , an industry group . This is the lowest since the first quarter of 2010 .

  13. 世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)驻日本的投资负责人森田隆大(TakahiroMorita)说,扭转经济并改变财政状况,这是需要时间的。

    ' It takes time to turn around an economy and change fiscal conditions , ' said Takahiro Morita , director of investment for the World Gold Council in Japan .

  14. 据世界黄金协会(worldgoldcouncil)表示,各国央行储备中持有黄金的平均比例为10%,但美国、德国和法国的储备中逾50%是黄金。

    The average among central banks for holding reserves in gold is 10 per cent , according to the World Gold Council , but it accounts for more than 50 per cent of the reserves of the US , Germany and France .

  15. 世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)资料显示,中国是全球最大的黄金市场,今年第一季度黄金需求量占到全球总量的四分之一。中国消费者对黄金的旺盛需求受到他们缺少其他投资渠道的推动。

    China is the largest bullion market , accounting for a quarter of demand in the first quarter of this year , according to the World Gold Council , and strong consumer demand for gold has been driven by the lack of other investment options .

  16. 世界黄金协会的央行及公共政策事务董事总经理纳塔莉登普斯特(NatalieDempster)表示,新协议对黄金市场是重大利好消息。

    Natalie Dempster , managing director for central banks and public policy at the World Gold Council , said the new agreement was extremely positive news for the gold market .

  17. 这份由咨询机构汤森路透gfms(thomsonreutersgfms)为世界黄金协会编制的数据显示,中国的黄金年需求已从2006年的约250吨攀升至目前的将近800吨。

    Bullion demand in the country has risen from about 250 tonnes in 2006 to almost 800 tonnes , according to the WGC data , which is produced by Thomson Reuters GFMS , a consultancy .

  18. 二十年来,各国央行唯一需要考虑的问题是应该以多快的速度抛售多少黄金,黄金生产商游说团体世界黄金协会(WGC)的乔治米林-斯坦利(GeorgeMilling-Stanley)表示。

    For two decades , the only question for central banks was how much and how soon should they sell their gold , says George Milling-Stanley of the World Gold Council , a producers ' lobby group .

  19. 我们与很多投资者保持沟通,我们的感觉是,人们对黄金的心情和态度比去年这个时候少了一点悲观,世界黄金协会市场情报负责人阿利斯泰尔休伊特(AlistairHewitt)表示。

    We speak to lots of investors and our sense is that the mood music and attitude toward gold is a little less bearish than this time last year , said Alistair Hewitt , head of market intelligence at the WGC .

  20. 根据咨询机构——黄金矿业服务有限公司(GFMS)的数据,去年下半年,随着印度黄金需求减弱,中国一跃成为全球最大的黄金消费国。这些数据由世界黄金协会在周四发布。

    In the second half of the year , as Indian demand waned , China edged ahead as the world 's top consumer , according to data from GFMS , the consultancy , that were published by the WGC on Thursday .

  21. 世界黄金协会是总部设在伦敦的非营利的旨在促进黄金消费的组织。

    WGC is a London-based non-profit organization that promotes gold consumption .

  22. 世界黄金协会全球黄金业信赖的组织

    World Gole Council , a trusted organization by the world gold industry

  23. 世界黄金协会简介

    A brief introduction of World Gold Association

  24. 世界黄金协会的一份报告显示,印度和中国市场的黄金购买力最为强劲。

    A report by the World Gold Council says India and China are set to be the driving force behind gold demand .

  25. 世界黄金协会认为中国已成了黄金珠宝市场增长最快的国家,在规模上仅次于印度。

    The World Gold Council reckons that China is the world 's fastest-growing market for gold jewellery and the second-biggest after India .

  26. 世界黄金协会称,黄金珠宝需求占据全球黄金总需求半数以上,同比降幅达30%至510吨。

    Global jewelry demand , which represents more than half of total global demand , fell 30 percent year-on-year to 510 metric tons .

  27. 世界黄金协会表示,全球金饰需求下降3%,至600.8吨,低于570.3吨的五年平均水平。

    Global jewellery demand fell 3 per cent to 600.8 tonnes , below the five-year average of 570.3 tonnes , the WGC said .

  28. 随着世界黄金协会去年推出黄金担保投资产品,黄金作为可选投资工具的吸引力不断增强。

    Its attraction as an alternative investment gathered momentum last year with the launch of gold-backed investment products from the World Gold Council .

  29. 世界黄金协会的报告显示,今年第二季度投资总需求(包括金条和金币以及交易所交易基金)上升4%至235吨。

    Total investment demand ( combined investment in bars and coins and exchange traded funds ) moved up by 4 percent to 235 metric tons during the second quarter .

  30. 阿尔伯特成,世界黄金协会远东地区总裁表示:根据这个季度的调查结果,我们希望2014年能成为市场巩固的一年。

    Albert Cheng , managing director for the Far East at WGC said : We expect 2014 to be a year of consolidation as shown by this quarter 's results .