
  1. 在天空中飞翔时,全世界的苦难都无法触及她。

    Up in the sky the woes of this world could not touch her .

  2. 那个世界的苦难不仅仅是要在野外求生存,还有那漫长而不堪忍受的等待,等待再次回到这个世界。

    The ordeal of that world is not only survival in the wild , but the long , unbear-able wait to come back into this world .

  3. 我们必须结束世界上的苦难和饥饿。

    We must bring suffering and hunger to an end in the world .

  4. 它是通过切实可行的措施,而不是史诗,高飞行的理论,她减轻一些世界上的苦难。

    It is through practical measures rather than epic , high-flown theories that she alleviates some of the world 's misery .

  5. 他们的命运是怀着对旧世界中的苦难的仇恨而死亡呢,还是由于我们有缔造一个新世界的远见而活下去呢?

    Are they destined to die for the hatreds which have plagued the old world , or are they destined to live because we have the Vision to build a new world ?

  6. 今年夏天,他接受《展望》杂志和剑桥大学耶稣学院的邀请为一群学者做有关经济危机的报告,谴责资本主义给自身和世界带来的苦难。

    This summer he accepted an invitation from Prospect and Jesus College , Cambridge to talk to a group of academics on the economic disaster that capitalism has inflicted on itself and the world .

  7. 就因为他为世界所带来的苦难与伤害。

    For all the pain and suffering he 's caused in the world .

  8. 发展中世界遭受的许多苦难,是其它地区需求不足所致。

    Much of the misery in the developing world is the result of a lack of demand elsewhere .

  9. 通过力量我们可以领会苦难的诗人置身苦难的世界中的那种苦难的生命意识,进而了解诗人在整个生命历程中的人生追求和艺术理想。

    Through this power , we can comprehend the poet 's suffering life consciousness in the misery world and his pursuit of life and artistic ideal in his life .

  10. 高死亡率仍然给第三世界的孩子?带来苦难。

    High mortality rates still afflict children of the third world .