
  • 网络the study of world history
  1. 反思与展望&关于中国世界史研究的思考

    Reflection on arid Look forward to the Study of World History in China

  2. 欧洲中心论与世界史研究&兼论世界史研究的中国学派问题

    Euro-Centrism and the Study of World History

  3. 世界史研究中的几个问题

    Some Problems in Current Studies of World History in China

  4. 新时期以来我国世界史研究述评

    A Review of World History Studies in the New Period of China

  5. 世界史研究发展的当代背景

    The Contemporary Background of Studies of the World History

  6. 中国世界史研究译介时期的俄苏史

    Russia - Soviet History in Chinese World History Study during the Period of Translation of Foreign Works

  7. 在世界史研究中,存在着假定前提的欧洲中心论、文化传播的欧洲中心论以及反欧洲中心论的欧洲中心论三种欧洲中心论。

    There are premised , culture diffused , and anti-Eurocentric Euro-centrism in the study of world history .

  8. 密切追踪西方史学流派深化我国的世界史研究

    Research Closely into Historical Schools in the West to Deepen Studies of the World History in our Country

  9. 世界史研究中,有些外文资料的引用不忠实于原著。

    In the research of world history , some quotations of foreign sources are not faithful to the original .

  10. 近年世界史研究经历着快速的发展,但也存在着不少问题。例如,马克思主义的指导地位在某些领域没有得到重视;

    World history studies have seen a fast development in China in recent years , but there are not without problems .

  11. 第五部分为余论,展望经济和社会史研究在世界史研究中的地位以及发展趋向。

    The author looks to the economic and social history study in the status of world history study and the development tendencies .

  12. 一种答案是:同国际史学接轨、对话,像发达国家史学家那样从事世界史研究。

    One answer is to match up and keep a dialogue with world historiography of developed nations in undertaking researches in to world histories .

  13. 学术规范建设关系到中国学术的发展和繁荣,对于世界史研究具有同样重要的意义。

    It is now a consensus that academic norms are of great significance to the development and prosperity of Chinese scholarship , including the discipline of world history .

  14. 通常世界史研究者只强调近代以来世界历史的整体性研究而不重视此前,尤其是上古时期世界历史的整体性问题。

    Usually world historians only focus their attention on the unity since the modern world history and ignore the study of the pre-modern , especially , ancient world history as a whole .

  15. 中国世界史研究的译介时期,是中国世界史学发展史中的一个重要阶段。从某种意义上可以说,没有这一译介时期,就没有中国世界史学科后来的迅速发展。

    The period of translation and introduction of foreign works was an important time in the development of Chinese world history study , without which , to some extent , the latterly rapid progress of Chinese world history discipline would be impossible .

  16. 马克思对世界古代史研究的贡献

    On the Contributions of Marxism to the Study of Ancient World History

  17. 中国第二次世界大战史研究会

    Chinese Research Association of History of the Second World War

  18. 借鉴西方世界教育史研究新方法。

    To learn from the new research approaches from the Western World .

  19. 邺城&中国、亚洲与世界城市史研究中的一个谜

    Yecheng-The Mystery of City History Research to China , Asia and the World

  20. 世界近代史研究若干问题的思考

    Studies On Some Aspects Of Modern World History

  21. 杨生茂教授是中国美国史学科的创建者之一,也是中国世界近代史研究领域中一位成就斐然的学者。

    Prof. Yang is one of the few gatekeepers of the American history research in China .

  22. 历史之翼2005世界建筑史研究和教学国际研讨会述评

    Double Wings of Architectural History Reviews of International Symposium on Teaching and Research of World Architectural History

  23. 在经世致用目的的指引下,中国知识界掀起对边疆和世界史地研究的思潮。

    Under the goal of statecraft , the Chinese intellectual circle has raised ideological trend to research history and geography of world .

  24. 唐纳德沃斯特是美国著名的环境史学家,对世界环境史研究作出了突出贡献。

    Donald Worster is a leading environmental historian in the United States who has made a great contribution to the studies of world environmental history .

  25. 近年来,在世界政治史研究中,威权主义是一个被广泛使用却无统一标准的政治概念。

    Authoritarianism is a political concept that has been used extensively and has no unified criterion in recent years ' research of the world political history .

  26. 探讨古希腊奥运会繁荣的原因是近年来世界体育史研究的热点之一。

    Recently the reasons for the study of ancient Greek Olympic games prosperity is that it becomes one of the heat tonics in world physical history .

  27. 此外,专科史、疾病史、医家医著、医史理论、世界医学史研究也有新的进展。

    In addition , research on history of medical subjects and diseases , medical porsonages and works , theory of Chinese medical history , history of foreign medicine have also made new progress .

  28. 文章概述了20世纪中国学者对世界天文学史研究工作的进展,包括发表的主要论著、专题研究论文,以及完成的有关基础性研究工作等等。

    This article briefly reviews the advance of researches on world history of astronomy made by Chinese scholars in the 20th century , including the main published academic books and treatises , and other completed fundamental research works .

  29. 女性艺术是追求艺术史研究对象完整的比可或缺的一个重要组成部分,的保证世界艺术史研究的全面和深入的保障,同时也是了解和研究后现代主义的必不可少的组成部分。

    Female pursuit of art is art research object or the complete than can be an important part of the study of art history , ensure the comprehensive and thorough safeguard , also understand and study of the postmodern indispensable part .

  30. 20世纪中国学者关于世界天文学史的研究

    Chinese Scholars ' Researches on World History of Astronomy in the 20th Century