
  • 网络feature;feature program;magazine
  1. 《投资指南》是经济专题节目,每周一期,周日播出,每期15分钟。

    China Business Guide is a15-minute feature program broadcast on Sunday .

  2. 英语新闻频道还有许多介绍中国和亚洲文化、历史与当代社会的专题节目。

    Viewers also have a variety of choices from CCTV NEWS feature programs on the culture , history , and modern society of China and Asia .

  3. 在过去九个月里,CCTV时不时就会播放几乎完全相同的专题节目。

    The channel has aired almost identical features from time to time over the past nine months .

  4. 无线电也播送圣诞节的专题节目。

    And special broadcasts of Christmas programs on the radio network .

  5. 电视科技专题节目的信息损耗、溶注与表达

    Information Consumption 、 Fusion and Manifestation on Science and Technology Special TV Program

  6. 从节目形态上看,女性电视主要有专题节目和谈话节目。

    Seen from the angle of form , they are mainly topical programs and talk shows .

  7. 艾文柯许纳1923年出生于费城,开始制作纪录片前他是音乐制作人,之后又开始制作专题节目。

    Born in Philadelphia in1923 , Kershner trained as a musician before making documentaries and then features .

  8. 广东省电视台“艺术长廊”播出《立体的油画&雷小洲的艺术》专题节目;

    Invited to the special program3D Oil Painting by Lei Xiaozhou by Art Gallery of Guangdong Television Station .

  9. 这种外国和中国汽车制造商命运的鲜明对比也在中央电视台的专题节目中有所反映。

    This contrast between the fortunes of the foreign and Chinese car makers also featured in CCTV 's coverage .

  10. 广播、电视普遍开办残疾儿童专题节目,并配制手语、字幕。

    Virtually all radio and TV stations offer specific programs for disabled children , compounded with sign language and captions .

  11. 由山东电视台收藏天下《翰墨人生》栏目播出《著名画家&吴团良》专题节目;

    " Art Life " program of Shandong TV Station reported special interview of " Famous Artist – WU Tuanliang ";

  12. 电视专题节目和唱片销售的收入可望使每个甲壳虫乐队成员获得大约一亿两千万美元。

    The pay-out from the television specials and record sales was expected to give each Beatle around $ US 120 million .

  13. 结论结合电视娱乐和专题节目,开展参与式教育是项目县校外青少年预防艾滋病健康教育的有效方式。

    Conclusion The most effective health education strategy among the out-school-youth in rural areas were participatory learning and TV media transmission .

  14. 《新闻调查》是国内最有影响力和最具代表性的电视新闻调查性报道专题节目。

    News Probe , which is the most influencing and representative in China , is a special topic on TV news investigative reporting .

  15. 简述数字非线性编辑技术的原理和优点,重点分析非线性编辑技术在高校电视台新闻节目和专题节目制作中的应用。

    From both technical and market perspective , it is worth to research program production technologies , especially production technologies for high definition TV .

  16. 论文分成七个部分,第一部分是简要介绍故事类电视专题节目的缘起及其特点。

    Paper is divided into seven parts . the first part of the brief story of the origin of classes and special television features .

  17. 周六晚间,在奥运专题节目中的奖牌一览环节里,该广播公司错误地把中国国旗显示成了智利国旗。

    During a medal projection segment on Saturday night 's Olympic coverage , the broadcaster incorrectly displayed Chile 's flag instead of the Chinese flag .

  18. 这是愉快的,除了广泛选择的专题节目,用户可一切必要手动的参数曝光。

    It is pleasant that besides the wide selection of topical programs , to user are accessible all necessary manual tuning of the parameters of exposure .

  19. 广大中小学生在“小手拉大手”专题节目中写信两万多封,收到承诺回执率达96.8%。

    The primary and middle school students in " small gap hand " special programs to write more than twenty thousand seal , received promised return receipt rate is96.8 % .

  20. 拍摄、播放反映北京筹办2008年奥运会进展情况和市民热情参与、喜盼奥运的专题节目;

    Special programs depicting Beijing 's progress in its preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games and its residents ' enthusiastic participation and earnest yearnings will be filmed and shown on television .

  21. 消委会与传媒保持紧密联系,经常举行记者招待会,在各报章设专栏,并在电视台及电台播出专题节目。

    The Council is in daily contact with the mass media on all matters of consumer interests , holding regular press briefings , maintaining consumer columns in newspapers and appearing on television and radio programmes .

  22. 当时正在播传奇速滑运动员盖坦·鲍彻的专题节目。这个人曾在1984年萨拉热窝冬奥会上获得两枚金牌和一枚铜牌。这次,他准备在1500米的比赛上进行最后的一搏。

    There was a feature on legendary speed skater Gaetan Boucher , winner of two gold and a bronze at the '84 Sarajevo Games , who was about to take his last shot at the podium in the men's1,500 metres .

  23. 《财富故事会》是央视经济频道的一档故事类财富人物专题节目,栏目以其独特的风格和发展模式在央视经济频道众多的名牌栏目中得以存活和发展。

    The Story of Wealth are one type of file stories feature characters of wealth in CCTV Economic Channel , columns for its unique style and mode of development of the economy at CCTV Channel numerous brand-name columns in the survival and development .

  24. 利用报刊、电台、电视台、网络等的传播优势开设专栏和专题节目,以“北京体育与奥运”为主题,营造奥运会承办城市的舆论氛围。

    Make use of the newspapers , journals , radios , television and networks to launch special columns and programmes with " beijing sports and the Olympic games " as its theme to create the public opinion and atmosphere of the Olympic host city .

  25. 故事类的电视专题节目从2000年开始兴起,发展至今,已经成为当前电视节目发展的主流形式,各大省级卫视以及地方电视台已经纷纷开办故事类的电视节目。

    Story category TV episodes from the beginning of 2000 the rise , the development has already become the mainstream form of television program development , the major provincial-level TV and local TV stations have already begun to establish the story kind of TV programs .

  26. 今天的专题新闻节目到此结束。

    And that ends our special bulletin for today .

  27. 今天4月1日,星期四的专题新闻节目到此结束。

    And that ends our special bulletin for today , Thursday , April lst .

  28. 的专题新闻节目到此结束,现在我们回到电视演播室。

    And that ends our special bulletin for today , Thursday , April1st.We are now returning you to the studio .

  29. 由(中国)中央电视台录制的长达1小时的电视专题文艺节目将会有约9百万人观看。

    And an hour-long television special recorded by CCTV in China was to be seen by an estimated nine million people .

  30. 央视新闻频道节目包括:动态新闻类节目、谈话类节目、新闻评论性节目、新闻杂志类节目和新闻专题类节目等五大类。

    In detail , the programme of the News Channel of CCTV including : dynamic news , talk show , comments , special topic and magazine programme .