
zhuān àn
  • Projects;special case for investigation;exemplary case
专案 [zhuān àn]
  • [special case for investigation;exemplary case] 专人始终负责审理的特殊案例或办理的要事

  • 专案小组

专案[zhuān àn]
  1. 他是反艺术诈骗专案组的重要人物。

    He is a big cheese in the Art Fraud Squad .

  2. 最令人关注的是,他们要求针对侵害妇女和儿童的犯罪成立全国专案组。

    Most interestingly , they are demanding that a national working party on crimes against women and children be established .

  3. 一个ERP专案执行经理能从思科案例中学到什麽?

    What can an ERP implementation project manager learn from the Cisco case ?

  4. n.顾问我们可请顾问对韩森专案作些建议。

    counselor We can ask our counselors for advice about the Hansen Project .

  5. 原因是Brooks的法则:「对一个延迟的软体专案增加人力会使它更迟。」

    Brooks'Law ," adding manpower to a late software project makes it later ," is why .

  6. 特别是针对人民演变为强大的工作流程谁看机管局专案从创建2D混沌&A到Z的一个合作或专业的环境。

    It is especially targeted at people who look for a a strong workflow to create2D project from A to Z in a collaborative or professional environment .

  7. 此外,专案的预算与成本分解结构也须加以发展并与OBS和WBS作对应。

    Furthermore , a project budget and Cost Breakdown Structure are developed and mapped to the OBS and WBS .

  8. 在CMO期间,我有更精进的产品开发、专案领导、协调与合作的经验。

    During the CMO , I have got the more experience of product development , project leading , coordination and cooperation .

  9. 确认有效性,fmea应该要像其他重要的专案来进行,意味著时程表应该建立到期日与特定的截止日期。

    To ensure effectiveness , a FMEA should be conducted like any other important project , meaning that a schedule should be established and due dates and deadlines specified .

  10. 本文介绍了开放目录专案(ODP)和学科信息门户的概况,比较分析了二者的共性与不同,同时分析了ODP的优势以及它对学科信息门户建设的借鉴意义。

    The paper introduces the ODP and SIG , compares the commons and difference of them , analyzes the advantage of the ODP and points out its significance to SIG .

  11. 周一,在华盛顿的一次会议上,运输部长安东尼·福克斯(AnthonyFoxx)说,运输部已经成立专案组,制定这一登记程序的具体细节。

    At an event in Washington on Monday , the transportation secretary , Anthony Foxx , said the department had formed a task force to come up with the details for the registration process .

  12. 关于G-Lab公司、专案与学生背景的资讯会公布在G-Lab的网站。

    Information about GLAB companies , projects and students backgrounds will be posted on the GLAB web site .

  13. 生产改善行动要求(MCAR)系统反映最终批发现之不良专案,并要求作相关改善行动。

    Manufacturing Corrective Action Request ( MCAR ) system in place to feedback defects found in final lot inspection and request for relevant corrective actions .

  14. 自贸区专案小组本月10日又揭发KDSB报大数及无中生有,超额向政府索讨10亿令吉工程费。

    Since the free trade zone on the10th of this month the group also discovered KDSB exaggeration and out of nothing , over-claim to the government discuss project cost of one billion ringgit .

  15. 透过对一个主要设计制造专案的主动学习来达到课程目的。

    Subject relies on active learning via a major design-and-build project .

  16. 我的主管为专案设定了一个期限。

    Ex : My boss set a deadline for the project .

  17. 将设计专案以清晰易懂的方式呈现给客户。

    Present artwork to clients in a articulate and descriptive manner .

  18. 我们与大学在这个专案上紧密合作。

    We have collaborated closely with the university on this project .

  19. 最后一份报告可以整合进期末专案。

    The last one can be combined with your final project .

  20. 专案位置:指定专案的完整路径。

    Project location : Specifies the full path to the project .

  21. 我看到您的名字被登记到常客优惠专案里。

    I see you 're enrolled in our frequent guest program .

  22. 没有此类专案或只对有关品质资料进行非正式的检讨。

    No program at all or informal review on quality data .

  23. 你的专案与同领域中其他工作有何联系?

    How does your project relate to other work in the field ?

  24. 我才不会成立专案组呢。

    I 'm not going to appoint a task force .

  25. 还有,他们要对其他组的专案要写出审查评鉴报告。

    In addition , they write due diligence reports on other teams'projects .

  26. 起始专案目录已经存在,请指定另一个目录。

    Starter project directory already exists . Specify another directory .

  27. 咪咪:有人有兴趣帮忙我这个专案吗?

    Mimi : Is anyone interested in helping me with this project ?

  28. 将文件汇入到您所选的专案中。

    The files are imported into the project you selected .

  29. 移除参考:指定从专案移除的参考。

    Remove Reference : Specifies a Reference to remove from the project .

  30. 我们可请顾问对韩森专案作些建议。

    We can ask our counselors for advice about the Hansen Project .