
yǔ wǒ wú ɡuān
  • It's none of my business;for all I care
  1. 你可以自己把它弄掉,与我无关。

    You can scrape them off yourself , for all I care .

  2. 那就等到天全黑吧,又与我无关。

    Wait till it 's plumb dark , for all I care .

  3. 你的去留与我无关。

    It makes no odds to me whether you go or stay .

  4. 别找我好不好——这事与我无关。

    Lay off me will you ─ it 's nothing to do with me .

  5. 她所做的一切都是她自己主动要做的。她做的任何事都与我无关。

    Whatever she did she did off her own bat . Whatever she did was nothing to do with me .

  6. 我曾在美林(MerrillLynch)、贝尔斯登(BearStearns)和瑞银工作过,她说,但我必须指出,它们的问题与我无关。

    I have worked at Merrill Lynch , Bear Stearns and UBS , she says , but I have to point out that their problems were nothing to do with me .

  7. 你的客人是你的问题,与我无关,朱利安

    Your guests are your problem , not mine , Julian .

  8. 七夕情人节,与我无关。

    Qixijie Valentine 's Day , nothing to do with me .

  9. 你的战争,它与我无关。

    Your war , it has nothing to do with me .

  10. 你挑哪个与我无关。

    It doesn 't matter to me which one you choose .

  11. 那些遥远的回忆从此与我无关。

    Memories of those distant from nothing to do with me .

  12. 让他们打吧!与我无关。

    Let them fight ! It 's none of my business .

  13. 他的去留与我无关。

    It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes .

  14. 这些纵火案与我无关

    I had nothing to do with either of those fires .

  15. 噢,这与我无关。

    B : Oh , it has nothing to go with me .

  16. 他所做的与我无关。

    What he did had nothing to do with me .

  17. 在一连串与我无关也无法预料的不幸事件中。

    Through unfortunate circumstances that had nothing whatsoever to do with me .

  18. 他做什么或是他说什么与我无关。

    What he does or what he says does not concern me .

  19. 本科生与我无关。

    I have nothing at all to do with undergraduates .

  20. 你是否喜欢他与我无关。

    Whether you like him is none of my business .

  21. 这暴露了一个问题-您的旅游企业与我无关。

    This exposes a problem-your tourism enterprises nothing to do with me .

  22. 但他出事与我无关。

    But I had nothing to do with what happened to him .

  23. 那是你的问题,与我无关。

    It 's not my problem . it 's yours .

  24. 那与我无关…

    Oh , well , that 's not my concern ...

  25. 无论他是成功还是失败,都与我无关。

    Whether he succeed or fail , it will not matter to me .

  26. 这些事情与我无关,我权当没看见。

    It 's none of my business , I will forget about it .

  27. 你的损失与我无关英语为。

    Your loss has nothing to do with me .

  28. 对我不好是你的事与我无关

    Treating you bas is your business ; treating you well is my business

  29. 我的意思是这些总算与我无关。

    I just mean it wasn 't about me .

  30. 坦白地说,你的破案方法与我无关。

    Frankly , it doesn 't matter to me what your methods are .