
  1. 教育小男孩不要和陌生人说话。

    They taught the little boy not to talk to strangers .

  2. 我不是和你说过不要和陌生人说话吗

    What 'd I tell you about talking to strangers ?

  3. 母亲大人反复向我灌输思想,坚决不要和陌生人说话。

    Mother had drilled it into me not to talk to strangers .

  4. 父母经常告诉他们的孩子不要和陌生人说话。

    Parents often tell their children . Don , t talk with strangers .

  5. 梅婷:不要和陌生人说话!

    Mei Ting : Don 't Speak to Strangers !

  6. 不要和陌生人说话。

    Flora : And don 't speak to strangers .

  7. 上学的路上不要和陌生人说话。

    Don 't talk to any strange men on your way to school .

  8. 记住,不要和陌生人说话。

    Remember , don 't talk to strangers .

  9. 从小教导孩子们不要和陌生人说话,但是成年人对不认识的人应不应该更加健谈呢?

    From an early age children are taught not to talk to strangers , but as adults should people be more chatty with people they dont know ?

  10. (好吧,我知道你老妈告诉过你什么,因为我也跟我家小孩说过不要和陌生人说话。)

    Take the opportunity , wherever you are , to talk to strangers ( yes , I know what your mother said . I say the same thing to my kids ) .