
bù zhǔn què
  • inaccurate;imprecision;inexactitude
不准确[bù zhǔn què]
  1. 他说这些数字都是捏造的,完全不准确。

    He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate .

  2. 我们认为对性状的这些描述是不准确的,且会使人产生误解。

    We know them as inaccurate and misleading property descriptions

  3. 所用的术语相当不准确。

    There is considerable imprecision in the terminology used .

  4. 他对所发生的事情的说法不准确。

    His version of what happened is incorrect .

  5. 这些数字有许多是不准确的。

    Many of the figures were incorrect .

  6. 这篇文章里不准确的地方比比皆是。

    The article is full of inaccuracies .

  7. 这个被用来掩盖他们思想的混乱和不准确。

    This served to hide the confusion and imprecision in their thinking .

  8. 很多答案都不准确,为此他感到很烦恼。

    He was disturbed by the inaccuracy of the answers

  9. 这些报告所依据的是不准确的信息。

    The reports were based on inaccurate information .

  10. 这本书不但不准确,而且夸大其词。

    The book is both inaccurate and exaggerated

  11. 钟表显示的时间从来都不准确。

    Clocks never told the right time

  12. 预报科学是门不准确的科学。

    Forecasting was an inexact science .

  13. 两种解释都不准确。

    Both explanations were inexact

  14. 然而,这整个观念从科学上来说是不准确的。

    However , this entire conception is scientifically inaccurate .

  15. 这些钟在中东和中国很受欢迎,但它们显示的时间不准确。

    These clocks were popular in the Middle East and China but they failed o keep accurate time .

  16. 法庭记录每天都显露出“见证人”看得多不准确。

    Court records reveal every day how inaccurately " eyewitnesses'see .

  17. 申诉者认为不准确的事或推断都是不负责任的

    Petitioners suggest that anything less than certainty , that any speculation , is irresponsible .

  18. 这种让人衰弱的症状是由于尽管缺乏确实的医疗诊断,但对个人的身体或精神状况认识不准确。

    This debilitating2 condition is the result of an inaccurate3 perception of the condition of body or mind despite the absence of an actual medical diagnosis4 .

  19. 还有身材大小,我画得有点不准确。在这个地方小王子画得太大了些,另一个地方又画得太小了些。

    I make some errors , too , in the little prince 's height : in one place he is too tall and in another too short .

  20. 针对传统有限元方法在拓扑优化过程中应力集中处求解不准确的问题,引入了扩展有限元法(Extendedfiniteelementmethod)以增加应力求解的精度。

    To increase the accurate of stress computation , X-FEM method ( Extended Finite Element Method ) is introduced .

  21. 当噪声样本值不准确时,估计精度与门限K的选择有关。

    As for the imprecise noise samples , the estimation precision is dependent on the threshold parameter K.

  22. 如果没有运行UPDATESTATISTICS,则优化器只能使用不准确的数据来确定访问路径。

    If you do not implement UPDATE STATISTICS , the optimizer has inaccurate data to determine access paths .

  23. 可以预见,生产率研究被证实是非常不准确的,但在管理团队(managementbody)广泛使用这种生产率度量以期了解每个人的能力的价值之前,情况并非如此。

    Predictably , the productivity studies proved wildly inaccurate , but not before the metrics were widely used by a management body eager to account for the value of each individual 's abilities .

  24. 处于Internet环境中的用户活动易受社会和网络环境影响,从而导致用户行为模式不准确。

    The activities of Internet users are impacted by various factors which caused by society or network . The exactness of user behavior patterns of Internet users are influenced too .

  25. 没能使感应元件需面对皮质可能会导致不准确的ICP读数。

    Failure to position the sensing element facing the cortex may result in inaccurate ICP readings .

  26. 因此称赋为散文诗或译赋为poeticalessay都是不准确的。

    Therefore , it is inappropriate to call fu prose poem or translate fu into poetical essay .

  27. 在反射界面存在倾角的情况下,基于水平层状速度模型的VSP成像会使归位不准确。

    VSP imaging based on horizontally layered velocity model fails to yield desired results when seismic reflectors are not horizontal .

  28. 同时指出,用传统的串并联阻抗等效的方法计算出的QP的值是不准确的。

    Meanwhile , it has been indicated that QP calculated is inaccurate by using traditional equivalent impedance theorem .

  29. 为解决JSSJ-83型小样浆纱机浆纱速度、烘燥温度、织轴卷绕张力控制不准确的问题,进行了技术改造。

    To resolve the problems of inaccurate control of sizing speed , dry can temperature and beam winding tension of JSSJ-83 sample sizing machine , innovation of it was done .

  30. 针对项目型制造的生产数据不准确等特点,提出了一种PUSH-PULL集成的新型生产管理模式;

    In view of the inaccurate production data in project-based manufacturing , a new kind of PUSH-PULL integrated production management mode is proposed .