
  1. 在六月五日这天的前夕,冉阿让在珂赛特和杜桑的陪同下迁到了武人街。

    On the evening preceding this same5th of June , Jean Valjean , accompanied by Cosette and Toussaint had installed himself in the Rue del'Homme Arme .

  2. 他们将于下周迁到乡下

    They are removing into the country next week .

  3. 我国中西部黄土窑洞下不迁村安全开采技术

    Safety mining technology without moving villages under loessial cave-houses in Midwest of China

  4. 成年大鼠脑室下区吻侧迁移流的细胞形态学研究

    Cellular morphology of the rostral migratory stream in adult rat brain

  5. 我们下个月就迁进新房子了。

    We are moving to a new house next month .

  6. 近代上海的移民是上海在外力的入侵下,由传统中国商埠向现代化大都市转变的背景下迁沪谋生的。

    The immigrants went to Shanghai make a living under the circumstance that Shanghai had to change from a traditional Chinese port to a modern metropolis in the intrusion of foreign force .