
xià zhuāng
  • Lower garment;remove theatrical makeup and costume;remove the theatrical makeup and costume
下装 [xià zhuāng]
  • [remove the theatrical makeup and costume] 脱衣,卸饰物;特指演员卸装

下装[xià zhuāng]
  1. 平台根据PLC的梯形图,自动生成PLC的指令程序,并下装到PLC执行。

    The platform produces the program according to the ladder chart , then is transformed to PLC to execute .

  2. 短TOP已经持续流行了好几季,今年你依旧可以穿它,编辑推荐你选择长款下装搭配,更有腔调!

    Short TOP has been popular for several seasons , you can still wear it this year , and it is recommended that you choose long bottoms to match !

  3. 在短暂就职于时尚品牌RachelRoy与3.1PhillipLim之后,Sun在大约两年前发起了自己的品牌,销售有着很强可穿性的连衣裙与上下装。

    After stints at retailers Rachel Roy and 3.1 Phillip Lim , Sun launched her line of highly wearable dresses and separates almost two years ago .

  4. 男体下装着衣状态的运动强度分析

    Motional intensity analysis of wearing conditions of men 's pants

  5. 迈克在引擎罩下装了一个增压器以增强马力。

    Mike has a souped-up engine under his hood .

  6. 基于下装设计的人体建模

    3D human body modeling based on lower garment design

  7. 拆下装配管并检查两个气门锁片位置是否正确。

    Remove the assembly cartridge and check correct position of both valve keys .

  8. 不要在强光下装胶卷。

    Do not load the film in bright light .

  9. 对系统的下装与维护进行了研究与说明。

    Download and maintenance are studied in detail .

  10. 我们的相机可以在日光下装胶卷。

    Our camera could be loaded in daylight .

  11. 集中荷载作用下装配式迭合面板研究

    Study on assembling compound slabs with concentrated load

  12. 下装式搅拌装置设计集装箱模块式搅拌设备的特性

    Design of Agitation Device Installed from Bottom of Vessel Characteristics of Container Module Mixing Equipment

  13. 结果可用于指导下装的定制开发。

    The study results will contribute to the customization and development of skirts and pants .

  14. 下装式搅拌装置设计新型管式空气预热器

    Design of Agitation Device Installed from Bottom of Vessel A New Type of Tubular Air Preheater

  15. 融合模式下装配图教学过程与绘图方法的改革

    According to the confluent mode the reform of the teaching course and method about assembly drawing

  16. 文中利用雷管模拟水下装药的药包,研究了双药包爆炸相互作用关系。

    Choosing double detonator as explosive charges to research the interaction of underwater explosion in this paper .

  17. 浸没式液下装油

    The Submerged Loading of Oil

  18. 这里你也能看到,在车底下装一个类似飞轮的想法。

    And so you see here the idea of mounting such a flywheel under the car here .

  19. 下装式搅拌装置设计行星式球磨机动力学及计算机仿真

    Design of Agitation Device Installed from Bottom of Vessel Dynamics Analysis and Computer Simulation of the Planetary Mill

  20. 确保你下装的长度足以盖住屁股,这样你的穿搭会显得更加得体。

    Make sure that the bottom is long enough to hide your butt so that it will make you look decent .

  21. 还可以进行常规算法组态,生成的文件可以下装到集散控制系统的现场工作站。

    The conventional control algorithm configuration can be fulfilled and generated executable file and can be sent down to the DCS control station .

  22. 文中分别对仿真系统的前端系统和支撑系统的设计进行了论述,对于仿真系统数据库的设计,系统对象的建模和文件数据下装等则作了主要的介绍。

    For the simulation system database design , modeling and file system objects such as the downloading of data were the main presentation .

  23. 低周反复荷载下装配式钢筋混凝土结构竖向齿槽接缝受力性能的试验研究

    Experimental study of force-bearing property of precast reinforced concrete assemblage ( prca ) with vertical joint composed of dowel and alveolus connection under low-cyclic-repeated loading

  24. 着重讨论了油品储罐液位计的设计、选型、安装等方案,并分别讨论了汽车上装及下装的控制模式。

    Design , selection and installation of tank level gauges are mainly discussed , and the control mode of loading upside and downside is also respectively discussed .

  25. 带倒密封结构的下装式阀杆,不仅防止了阀杆脱出,而且阀杆部位的密封更加可靠。

    The lower-loading Stem with backward sealing construction not only prevents the handle form backing-out but also ensures the reliability of the scaling part of the handle .

  26. 在众多的服装类型中,连身裤装以其独特的穿着方式,打破上下装分体设计的常规,迎合了现代人追求服装时尚化、个性化的需求。

    Among all the apparel types , rompers , breaking up the normal design with independent tops and pants , cater for the modern demands for fashion and individuation .

  27. 制作一华东地区25-55岁成年女子中间体下体体型特征的下装人台,并通过尺寸和造型检验验证其准确性和实用性。

    A lower-body mannequin characterized lower-body shape feature of adult-female aged 25 to 55 in east china was fabricated and examined accuracy and practicality for its size and shape .

  28. 软件在实验室的系统环境中调试运行,能够实现组态文件下装,现场数据采集及自动控制,实时数据的广播发送等功能。

    According to the result of debugging in the laboratory environment , the application can realize downloading configuration files , field data acquisition , real-time control and data broadcasting .

  29. 通过对某大功率机车柴油机活塞裙部喷涂复合材料层后在标定工况下装机进行磨合实验。

    In this paper , a grinding experiment on a piston skirt profile coated with compound material in a high-power locomotive diesel engine is carried out under a rating condition .

  30. 该软件能实现单回路控制系统、串级控制系统、比值控制系统的组态、调试和生成,并能进行策略文件的下装。

    This software can accomplish the configuration , debugging and building of single-loop control system , series control system , ratio control system , and can upload strategy files to other controllers .