
  1. 下德不失德。

    True virtue is not virtuous , therefore it has virtue .

  2. 在那个时代,许多波兰人都对自己国家的形象自惭形秽,阿特拉斯公司却撕下德国货的伪装,公开标示自己是波兰货。

    At a time when many Poles were ashamed of how their country looked , Atlas dropped the pretence that it was German and branded itself openly as Polish .

  3. 特别对老子的德进行挖掘之后,感叹今天所谓的德,在老子看来,是下德,下德却没有德。本研究主要运用历史叙事法、文献查阅法、文本解读法等方法来进行研究。

    Especially after the " de " to me in mining , sigh today we called " de " in me , it seems , is De , de without De. This research mainly uses the historical narrative method , the literature method , text analysis method to study .

  4. 后工业化背景下的德制构想

    Conceiving the System of Moral in the Context of Post-industrialization

  5. 在这种环境下,德丰杰为何认为其将能够成功筹集大量资金呢?

    Why on earth would DFJ think it could raise a fresh big fund in this environment ?

  6. 下赛季德莱特将继续自己的学习过程,将在诺维奇租借一个赛季。

    Ritchie De Laet 's learning curve is set to continue in2011 / 12 with a season-long loan at Norwich City .

  7. 美国在关贸总协定机制下的对德政策(1948-1951)

    America s Policy Toward Germany Under the GATT Regime ( 1948-1951 );

  8. 市场经济条件下弘扬孝德的思考

    Thoughts about Carry Forward the Filial Piety Morality on the Condition of the Market Economy

  9. 大众化背景下中、德高等教育宏观结构变革措施的比较及启示

    The Comparison on Macro-Structure between China and Germany on the Background of Higher Education Popularity

  10. 先秦儒家已给教定下了生德于中的基调。

    Confucian in Early Qin Dynasty provided teaching with a framework , namely generating virtue from teaching .

  11. 社会主义市场经济新形势下的警德建设既有重点,又有难点。为此,加强警德建设,必须既抓重点,又抓难点。

    This article discusses the important and difficult points in the construction of police morality under the market economy circumstances .

  12. 目前信用卡市场上存在的大量的机会主义行为实质上是信息不对称下的败德行为。

    Numerous opportunist acts in current credit card market are in essence the results of immoral behavior triggered off by asymmetrical information access .

  13. 他们的父亲了另一个苹果一块蛋糕,接着说:“也许下周六晚上德的两个小费勒斯可以沿着妇女参与发展马克。”

    Their father took another piece of apple-cake and went on : " Maybe next Saturday night de two little fellers can go along wid dem . "

  14. 在全球超宽松货币环境下,除德以外的欧盟经济体依然疲软,所以欧洲的通胀危机将逐渐消退。

    Super-loose monetary conditions in the world , in addition German economies outside the European Union remains weak , so the inflation crisis in Europe will gradually subside .

  15. 一是1885年以前为早期。其外交思想表现为在儒家精神指导下提倡以德义为本,即以王道的道德和仁义去感化外人以遏制战争。

    The first stage is before the year 1885 . His diplomatic thought is directed by Confucian spirit , and he advocates " virtue and morality is fundamentally " .

  16. 和谐社会视域下的官德建设具有二重意蕴,即官员的引领经济之德建设与为官从政之德建设。

    In a view of harmonious society , it has dual implications , which are officials guidance of the construction of economic virtue and the construction of administrative morality .

  17. 论新形势下大学生的网德教育

    A Tentative Study on Education of College Students ' Cyber Ethics in the New Situation

  18. 基于不同成本下的伯川德双头定价博奕

    On Different Costs-based Brand Double-end Pricing Game

  19. 文章分析了在这种结构下导致群体败德均衡的原因,量化分析并提出了应对该种博弈结果的相关对策。

    At the end of this article , some quantized countermeasures against the game result are gived out .

  20. 在此背景下,或许德班峰会的结果实际上是推迟就如何协调全球应对措施做决定的决定是人们所能期望的最好结果。

    Given this backdrop , perhaps the outcome of the Durban summit essentially a decision to postpone a decision on how best to co-ordinate a global response was the best that could be hoped for .