
shànɡ pēi zhóu
  • epicotyl
  1. 选用上胚轴为外植体的愈伤组织发生效果较其他外植体好;

    The effect of inducing callus by selecting epicotyl as explant was better than other explants .

  2. 切除上胚轴对绿豆子叶衰老逆转及其核酸和蛋白质代谢的效应

    Effects of Epicotyl Removal on the Reversion of Senescence and Related Metabolism of Nucleic Acids and Protein in Mung Bean Cotyledons

  3. 对BR促进绿豆上胚轴生长的有关因素的探讨

    Studies on Several Factors Affecting BR-Promoted Epicotyl Growth in Mung Bean Cuttings

  4. 证明了上胚轴的伸长依赖于蛋白质和核酸的合成,尤其是依赖于mRNA的合成。

    It was proved that epicotyl elongation of mung bean cutting depended on protein and nucleic acid synthesis , especially mRNA synthesis .

  5. 结果表明,UV-B辐射引起大豆上胚轴伸长减小;

    The results show that UV-B radiation could decrease elongation of epicotyl and increase its diameters ;

  6. 本文研究了绿豆的种质差异、光照、真叶和下胚轴与BR促进的绿豆上胚轴生长的关系。发现绿豆品系的差异显著地影响上胚轴对BR的响应;

    Relationship of strain character , light , leaf and hypocotyl to brassinolide ( BR ) promoted epicotyl growth in mung bean cuttings were studied .

  7. 上胚轴在改良的MS基本培养基中能形成不定芽,6-BA的加入有利于不定芽的再生,IAA的加入则不利于不定芽的再生。

    Adventitious buds were regenerated from epicotyl segments in improved MS basal medium , and the addition of 6-BA and IAA in the media influenced the buds regeneration .

  8. 以8d龄花生无菌苗的上胚轴为外植体,进行植株再生和农杆菌介导遗传转化研究。

    The epicotyls of 8-d-old sterile peanut seedlings were used as explants to study plantlet regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation .

  9. 生化测定结果表明:在低温打破牡丹种子上胚轴休眠过程中,子叶中的萌发促进剂GA3含量明显升高,抑制剂ABA含量显著下降;

    The results of biochemical analysis indicated that the content of GA 3 increased and the content of ABA decreased in cotyledons during the breaking of epicotyl dormancy , and the contents of endogenous growth regulators changed only slightly in the endosperm .

  10. 本文报道激动素(KT)和萘乙酸(NAA)不同浓度配比对大豆上胚轴和小真叶外植体愈伤组织器官分化的影响以及对分化成苗与未分化愈伤组织过氧化物酶活性的分析。

    The effect of various concentrations and ratio of kinetin and NAA on organ differentiation of epicotyls and callus of explants of young uni-foliolate leaves , and the activity of peroxidase of the differentiated plantlets and undifferentiated callus was studied in thig paper .

  11. 经过5a的育苗试验研究结果表明,小叶黄杨种子因具有上胚轴休眠特性,所以播种时一般种子含水量不应低于12.6%,否则将因胚根越冬受害,而造成种子生命力下降。

    The results of 5a seedling cultivation experiments showed that the seeds of Buxus microphylla had dormant characteristics of upper hypocotyl , so water content of seeds should not be lower than 12.6 % in sowing time , or the vitality declined because radicles were damaged by hibernation .

  12. 上胚轴是再生不定芽的最佳外植体类型。

    Epicotyl segments were the optimal explants for adventitious buds regeneration .

  13. 这样的幼苗具有伸长的下胚轴或上胚轴的特征。

    Such seedlings are characterized by having elongated hypocotyls or epicotyls .

  14. 花生上胚轴的丛生芽诱导和植株再生

    Adventitious Shoot Induction and Plant Regeneration from the Epicotyl of Arachis hypogaea

  15. 椪柑上胚轴离体培养与植株再生研究初报

    Study on In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration in Citrus Reticulata Blanco Epicotyl

  16. 笔者探索了牡丹容器育苗的方法和解除牡丹种子上胚轴休眠的方法。

    The method of culturing treepeony containerized seedlings and absolving epicotyl dormancy of treepeony seeds .

  17. 上胚轴的维管束呈T字形。蒜泥变绿变褐的原因及控制方法

    The cause for the greening and browning of garlic paste and the controlling method concerned

  18. 下胚轴是根和子叶间维管组织转变的过渡区,而根的初生维管组织与上胚轴的维管组织无直接的联系。

    The Primary vascular tissue of root have no direct connection with vascular tissue of epicotyl .

  19. 在转化的‘奥林达’夏橙上胚轴片段的切口观察到类似胚状体的结构(在一般的转化实验中,切口处长出的是芽而非胚状体)。

    Embryoid-like structures were observed on transformed epicotyl of Olinda Valencia Orange at the wounds which normally generate buds .

  20. 绿豆幼苗上胚轴伸长生长与细胞渗透势的相关性

    Correlation between osmotic potential and growth in relation to water stress and cotyledon excision in epicotyls of mung bean seedlings

  21. 赤霉素和低温打破牡丹上胚轴休眠技术研究

    Study on the Epicotyl Dormancy Breaking of Seeds of Peony ( Paeonia suffruticosa Andr . ) with GA_3 and Low Temperature

  22. 子叶节区上部的管状中柱和④上胚轴-苗端的真中柱。

    The type of siphonostele in the upper part of cotyledon node zone and the type of eustele in epicotyl - shoot zone .

  23. 胚培养试验表明:抑制上胚轴萌发的物质不在子叶,而可能在上胚轴或胚芽中。

    Tests on embryo culture indicate that substances which inhibit epicotyl germination don 't exist in cotyledons , but probably in epicotyl or plumule .

  24. 本文以沙田柚上胚轴为对象,进行了农杆菌介导的基因转化系统建立影响因素研究。

    S Taking Epicotyls of Shaddock as the testing objective , a research on effecting factors of establishment of gene transformation system of agricultural bacillus media was conducted .

  25. 采用化学和物理手段处理已生根凤丹白牡丹种子,均能打破牡丹种子的上胚轴休眠。

    It was effective to hasten the breaking of the epicotyl dormancy after the peony seeds were treated with physical and chemical methods when the length of the roots of the seeds reached to 5 cm .

  26. 由于芍药种子具有上下胚轴双重休眠的特性,自然条件下从播种到出苗需要6~7个月的时间,生长周期长。

    Because both high and low hypocotyl of Paeonia lactiflora seed all have dormancy characteristics , the time duration from sowing to emerging for Paeonia lactiflora seeds needs approximately for 67 months under the natural condition , the vegetative cycle is long .

  27. 在KT+NAA的B5培养基上,上胚轴较小真叶外植体成苗率高。

    However , in the B_5 medium which contains KT + NAA , the rate of plantlets developed from epicotyl is higher than that from true leaves .

  28. 大豆小真叶外植体在合有NAA或KT+NAA的B5培养基上,上胚轴外植体在含有KT+NAA的B5培养基上,可脱分化形成愈伤组织,并由愈伤组织直接分化成苗。

    The young true leaves explant of soybean are cultured in B_5 basal medium containing NAA or KT + NAA , epicotyls explants are cultured in the B_5 medium containing KT + NAA , they are able to dedifferentiate into callus tissues , then directly develop into plantlets .