
  • 网络Shanghai Expressway;Expressways of Shanghai
  1. 上海高速公路电子不停车收费(ETC)系统介绍

    The Electronic Toll Collection System in Shanghai Freeway

  2. 上海高速公路沉降处理技术的回顾与展望

    Review and Looking Forward to Settlement Treatment Technique of Shanghai Expressways

  3. 土地使用权合作在上海高速公路建设中的应用

    Application of Land Expropriation Right Cooperation in the Construction of Shanghai Expressway

  4. 上海高速公路发展前景展望

    Prospects for Shanghai Expressway Developing

  5. 因为大雾,北京-天津-塘沽和北京-上海高速公路的天津段被封闭了。

    Tianjin sections of Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu and Beijing-Shanghai expressways were closed in the morning because of the fog .

  6. 上海高速公路在招商中取得成功的政策创新之一就是以土地使用权合作方式提供建设用地。

    The most successful policy innovation in business invitation for Shanghai Expressway is that the land of construction is provided with land cooperation right .

  7. 本文作者作为上海高速公路万兆以太通信网的项目负责人,通过项目小组成员的共同努力,提出了一套完整的以802.3ae万兆以太网技术为核心的高速公路通信网解决方案。

    Relying on joint efforts of project members , the author brings forward a set of complete projects to resolve the expressway communication network which center on 10 Gigabit Ethernet technology .

  8. 并根据课题研究对象上海高速公路计算机系统的实际情况及管理的需求,对监护平台在功能、业务流程与体系架构等方面的进行了综合分析。

    And then it has given a comprehensive analysis of the functions , processes and architecture of the surveillance platform according to the research of the actual management system of the Shanghai Expressway .

  9. 以上海高速公路和干线公路网规划为实例,重点介绍规划技术过程、规划目标、网络布局原则和技术评价体系。

    Taking the freeway and trunk network planning in Shanghai as an example , the technical process , objectives , principles of network layout and technical evaluation framework of the planning are put forward .

  10. 本文在分析了现代化先进的收费模式与人工收费模式区别的基础上,扼要介绍目前的收费状况,回顾了上海高速公路收费模式的发展过程,并展望上海高速公路收费模式的前景。

    Based on the analysis of the differences between the advanced modern toll collect-system and the traditional manual mode , the current condition of the toll collection is presented briefly , together with the retrospect and prospect of such systems is Shanghai .

  11. 上海市高速公路网框架点GPS定位测量数据处理与分析

    Data Processing and Analysis of GPS Control Network Surveying for Shanghai Superhighway Net

  12. 论文结合上海S32高速公路填砂路基施工实践,探讨了填砂路基施工的关键问题和质量控制要点。

    This study analysis the critical issues and quality control points for sand-filling subgrade with case study of Shanghai S32 freeway construction practice .

  13. 上海市高速公路网联网收费、交通监控和通信系统发展设想

    The Assumption of Net Charge , Traffic Monitor and Communication System Development for Shanghai City Expressway Network

  14. 本文介绍了现浇混凝土薄壁管桩技术及其在上海北环高速公路软基加固中应用。

    Thin-wall Pipe Pile Using Cast-in-situ Concrete ( named PCC ) technology and the application in soil improvement of Shanghai Beihuan express way are introduced .

  15. 并以上海市高速公路局域网为例,提出了灾害性天气下道路安全运营车速建议值。

    The models were verified using traffic simulation and the safety road operating speed was provided based on local networks of Highway Bureau in Shanghai .

  16. 通过对上海市高速公路网路网整体投资效益的分析,对下一步的政府招商工作提出了针对性的政策与建议。

    The policy and suggestions aimed at further the Government 's business invitation work are put forward through the analysis of complete investment efficiency to Shanghai express way network .

  17. 对上海-瑞丽高速公路邵怀段洞口塘隧道进行了设计。

    This design is for Dongkoutang tunnel in Shaoyang-Huaihua section of Shanghai-Ruili expressway .

  18. 照片显示,在上海至昆明高速公路上,昨天上午几个人在拥挤的路边遛狗。

    Photographs showed several people walking their dogs alongside long lines of traffic on the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway yesterday morning .

  19. 本文以上海市招商高速公路规划和建设为背景,提出在高速公路规划和建设时存在的二义性和多义性路径问题,这给联网收费在精确分配上所带来的困难。

    In the planning and construction of Shanghai commercial expressway network , there exists binary-path or multi-path problem which bring difficulties in accurate accounting for network tolling .

  20. 一条从北京到上海的新的高速公路正在建设之中。

    A new free way from Beijing to Shanghai is being built now .

  21. 对中方提出的“上海合作组织信息高速公路”规划已开始进行专家论证。

    The « SCO infobahn » program put forward by China has began to carry out experts demonstration .

  22. 研究表明:在南京&上海通道内,高速公路和铁路起着同样的关键作用;

    The results show that the freeway acts the same key function as railway in the Nanjing-Shanghai transportation corridor .

  23. 华西村位于中国苏南平原上的江苏省江阴市,交通便利,向西到省会南京,向东到上海,都有高速公路。

    Located in Jiangyin City , Jiangsu Province , Huaxicun enjoys convenience traffic which easily excess to Nanjing westward and Shanghai eastward by highway .