
  1. 上海天文馆将应用大量沉浸式技术吸引参观者。

    The museum will use many immersive technologies to engage visitors .

  2. 上海天文馆门票价格方案已确定,普通门票价格定为30元/人。上海天文馆位于临港新片区,占地3.8万平方米。

    Located in Shanghai 's coastal Lingang area , the Shanghai Astronomy Museum covers 38000 square meters .

  3. 1964年,陨石降落在长兴岛的一个农场,上海天文馆收藏的这件标本是其中最大的一件。

    It fell onto a farm in Changxing Island in the city in 1964 and the piece held by the museum is the largest one .

  4. 忻歌称,上海天文馆将组织观星和太阳观测活动,馆内设有一台口径1米的天文望远镜,这是国内天文馆收藏的口径最大天文望远镜,馆内还设有一台口径65厘米的太阳望远镜。

    Xin said the museum will organize stargazing and sun observation activities as it has a 1-meter telescope that is the biggest among astronomy museums in China , and a 65-centimeter solar telescope .

  5. 上海天文馆正式开放后,开馆时间为上午9时至下午4时,成人门票为30元,学生门票为15元。

    When it 's officially open , the museum will operate from 9 am to 4 pm , with entrance tickets priced at 30 yuan ( $ 4.50 ) for adults and 15 yuan for students .

  6. 除了互动体验,上海天文馆还将展出许多稀有展品,包括艾萨克·牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》第一版英文译本(出版于1729年),这部著作奠定了现代物理学和天文学的基础。

    Besides interactive experiences , the museum will also exhibit many rare items , including a first edition copy of the first English translation of Isaac Newton 's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy - which laid the foundation of modern physics and astronomy . It was published in 1729 .