
  • 网络Shanghai International Trade Center
  1. 上海国际贸易中心的未来功能定位,应从国家战略高度出发,在解决国家层面贸易产业瓶颈问题上有所突破。

    The function of international trade center in the future in Shanghai should break through in resolving bottleneck problem of trade industry on national level , which should base on national strategy .

  2. 其经验,值得上海建设国际贸易中心借鉴。

    Its admirable performance is worthwhile to Shanghai in international trade center construction .

  3. 构建国际商务胜任力模型为上海建成国际贸易中心培养合格国际商务人才

    Constructing International Business Competence Model and Building an International Trade Center in Shanghai

  4. 文中的结论是建设安徽的皖江城市带产业转移示范区与建设上海的国际贸易中心联系起来,将会产生明显的双赢效应。

    Combining the construction of a transferring of industry demonstration zone in Anhui with constructing Shanghai International Trade Center , it reflects a win-win effect .

  5. 上海要建成国际贸易中心和国际航运中心,已经进入实质性启动阶段,随着国际航运中心正式获得国务院批准后,上海正在雄心勃勃地勾勒国际贸易中心。

    Shanghai has entered a substantial start-up phase to build international trade center and shipping center . As the international shipping center was formally approved by the State Council , Shanghai is preparing for an ambitious sketch of the International Trade Centre .

  6. 在谈及上海国际航运中心与上海国际贸易中心建设时,不少专家就这两个中心间的关系进行了详细阐述,认为两个中心的有效互动将进一步提高上海城市的综合能力。

    When researching on building international trade and shipping center , many experts have given comments on the relationship between the two centers . They believe that the effective interaction of the two " center " will further enhance the comprehensive ability of Shanghai .