
  1. 外国第一上柜公司的股东会召开方式为何?

    Q14.How do foreign companies with a primary OTC listing hold shareholders meetings ?

  2. 本公司目前已为上柜公司,诚挚邀请优秀人才加入我们的行列!

    The Company has for OTC companies , I sincerely invite talents to join our ranks !

  3. 外国第一上柜公司增资发行新股于柜台买卖市场挂牌交易之规定为何?

    Q13.What legal requirements govern the OTC listing of new shares issued for a capital increase by a foreign issuer with a primary OTC listing ?

  4. 实证结果支持权衡理论,并发现上市公司与上柜公司在公司规模、股利政策、负债到期日等变数的解释性存在差异。

    It is also found that the regression results for public companies listed in TSE and OTC markets show different significant results on the company size , dividend policy , and debt maturity structure .