
  1. 我们正在上军兵种知识课。

    We are studying the subject of the services and arms .

  2. 戴眼镜的医生做完了鞑靼人的手术,给他盖上军大衣,擦着手,走到安德烈公爵跟前。

    Having finished with the Tatar , over whom a cloak was thrown , the doctor in spectacles came up to Prince Andrey , wiping his hands .

  3. 从我记事开始,每年清明节的这一天,母亲就让我换上军色的春装,带着纸钱,领着我上坟去。

    From the start my notebook , each of the Ching Ming Festival this day , the mother let me put on army colored Spring , with paper money , led me go .

  4. 本文对目前较为常用的形式逻辑分析方法&BAN逻辑的形式化分析理论进行了介绍,在此基础上对军网身份鉴别协议进行了BAN逻辑描述,并对协议的安全性进行了理论分析与证明。

    This paper introduces the BAN logic formalized analysis theory which is the formal logic analysis method , and the BAN logic description of authentication protocol in military network is proposed , the theoretic analysis and verification of protocol security are also indicated .

  5. 1992年奥运会上高军赢得女子双打银牌,不过那以后她决定退役。

    Gao won silver in women 's doubles at the 1992 Olympics but soon afterward decided to step away from the sport .

  6. 上述因素,再加上政府军最近对米苏拉塔的进攻,被认为预示利比亚内战将进入新时代。

    These , together with the latest attacks on Misurata , have been said to herald a new era in the Libyan civil war .

  7. 联合国的无能,再加上乌克兰军的节节胜利,乌克兰更加明确了自己势不可挡的决心。

    The UN 's inability to act upon the actions of the Ukrainian army only strengthened Ukraine 's resolve that they could not easily be stopped .

  8. 且以其府之参军署曹为标志,严格意义上的军府内部机构之主要框架始基本定型。

    Moreover , in the strict sense , the main frame of internal organ of military administration has fallen into a pattern when Canjun begins to master Cao .

  9. 其军府诸曹仿尚书曹来设置,实质上使军府具有了如尚书省分曹处理政务的功能。

    The Cao in military administration imitates the functions of Minister in government , thus in fact makes military administration perform the function of dealing with political affairs as Minister departments .

  10. 摘要虽然名义上十字军东征是一场基督徒对异教徒的圣战,但世俗因素始终起着重要作用。

    Although the Crusade was a holy war between the Christians and the pagans in the name only , the secular factors played an important role in it from the beginning to the end .

  11. Java语言的跨平台特性使它依然是互联网舞台上的主力军。

    The cross-platform feature of Java language guarantees Java is still the main force in the Internet arena .

  12. Trimble5700已成为工程测量市场上的主力军,本文介绍了Trimble5700在RTK作业中常见的三例故障的故障现象,并给出了故障的排除方法。

    The three common failures of Trimble 5700 in RTK operation and their removed methods were introduced in the paper .

  13. 两年前,中国市场上的领军企业大众汽车(volkswagen)似乎遇到了大麻烦。

    Two years ago , it looked as if the market leader Volkswagen was in serious trouble in China .

  14. 这部分公寓是大学生公寓市场上的正规军。

    This apartment is part of the regular college dormitories market .

  15. 根据日本宪法规定,拥有传统意义上的常备军是不合法的。

    Japan 's constitution makes illegal a traditional standing army .

  16. 他脱下西服(换上全套军礼服)。

    He changed out of a suit ( and into full uniform )

  17. 在几条战线上,我军正在夺取主动权。

    On several fronts our armies were beginning to seize the initiative .

  18. 经过近一年的较量,基本上把黄巾军镇压下来。

    After a year of war , the Yellow Turban uprising was defeated .

  19. 葬礼上满载着军勋与荣誉,包括传统的运送遗体的灵车。

    A funeral with full military honors traditionally includes a caisson to transport the body .

  20. 巴基耶夫总统在上周三政府军和抗议者发生冲突后被推翻。

    The president was effectively ousted after last Wednesday 's clashes between government forces and protesters .

  21. 徽商抢占了江南的粮食市场,成为江南粮食市场上的主力军。

    Huizhou merchants occupy the food market , becoming the main managerial man in Jiangnan food market .

  22. 我坚持认为这个新产品会使我们有机会成为市场上的领军人物。

    I maintain that this new product will give us a chance to be a market leader .

  23. 我们应该作为一支道义上的十字军。参加所有的军事冲突,并且要求我们的敌人无条件投降。

    We shoul enter every military conflict as a moral crusade requiring the unconditional surrender of the enemy .

  24. 清朝统一新疆后,在吸收前代治理经验的基础上,设立军府制度,这种治理体制在清朝统治新疆前期曾发挥了重要作用。

    After unifying Xinjiang , Manchu dynasty established General governance system to govern Xinjiang on the foundation of early Manchu dynasty .

  25. 楚共王站在架有高台的战车上观察晋军的动静。

    Duke Gong of Chu stood on a high platform built on chariot and watched the movements of the Jin army .

  26. 维德派遣了数以千计的侦察机器人到银河系中进行地毯式调查,终于找到了冰雪行星霍斯上的反抗军新基地。

    Through the use of thousands of probe droids dispatched to comb the galaxy , Vader eventually located the new Rebel base on the ice planet Hoth .

  27. 在本周于内比都召开的例行会议(每四月举行一次)上,缅甸军政府据传将对其军区指挥官以及其他一些高级军事职位进行人员重组。

    During its four-monthly meeting in Naypyidaw this week , Burma 's military junta reportedly decided to reshuffle its regional military commanders and other senior military posts .

  28. 目前在实践中,小学生俨然己成为奥数战场上的主力军,而校外培训则成为其学习奥数的主要形式。

    Currently in practice , students in primary school make up the greatest part of people who are learning Olympic Mathematics and out-of-school training has become the main form .

  29. 拔尖创新人才不仅是创新人才中的佼佼者,更是我国宏大人才队伍中的核心和骨干,是各条战线上的领军人物。

    The outstanding innovative talent is not only a leader in the innovation talent , but also the core and backbone in our country great talent team , and it is a leader on all fronts .

  30. 时到如今,我们应该习惯,一部新的好莱坞战争片上映时,历史上由同盟军赢得的战争或事件被魔术般地改变为美国的胜利。

    We should be used to it by now . a New Hollywood war epic is released & and battles and incidents that historically were won by a combination of allied forces have magically been transformed into American victories .