
  1. 奥地利德语作家弗兰茨·卡夫卡(FranzKafka,1883-1924)是20世纪欧洲文坛上一位独特的作家,也是西方现代主义文学三大师之一。

    Austrian German writer Franz Kafka ( 1883 & 1924 ) is a special writer in European literature of the twentieth century , and one of the three masters in western modernist literature .

  2. 欧·亨利是世界短篇小说三大师之一,自从上世纪20年代他的短篇小说被翻译介绍到中国,其作品就一直拥有不小的读者群。

    O. Henry is well-known as one of the three world masters in short story writing . Since his works began to be translated into Chinese in the 1920s , they have been widely read and well received .

  3. 在我上过的大师班中,有三位大师的课程我认为是最好的:第一位是TuribioSantos,他的确非常伟大!

    I went to master-classes , and three people were really good : the first one was Turibio Santos , and he was great !

  4. 这一部分主要是对三位大师在对传统文化的继承和对外来艺术的借鉴两方面进行横向的比较,以及对三人美术教育思想在社会发展中所起的作用进行纵向的分析对比。

    In this part , there was compare of three masters ' thoughts of the fine arts and the effect these thoughts on social development .

  5. 而这三位大师喜歌剧的创作风格也各有千秋,都有值得我们去研究和探讨的地方。

    But these three masters comic opera creation style also each has his good points , have are worth us studying and the discussion place .

  6. 从唐代以来,以云鸾、道绰、善导所创立的净土法门体系传到日本后,日本高僧法然和亲鸾,先后以三位大师著作为依据,立教开宗,建立了日本佛教净土宗和净土真宗。

    Since the Tang Dynasty , the doctrine of the Sukhavati Sect originated by Tanluan , Daochuo and Shandao has been passed on to Japan , where Japanese eminent monks like Horan and Qinluan founded the Sukhavati Sect in Japan on the basis of the Buddhist works by the above-mentioned three Chinese masters .

  7. 在英国,威尔是与罗杰斯和福斯特齐名的三个建筑大师之一。

    Will Alsop is now among the top3 architects in Britain .

  8. 琼。杜查姆的大师课是我第三次上大师课。

    J é r ? me Ducharme 's master class was my third master class experience .

  9. 第三章对大师的膜拜是一种对男性理智的膜拜,因此女性应当放弃理性,用自己的思维进入情绪之中。

    Chapter III of the master is a kind of cult worship of the wise men , so women should abandon rational thinking into their own mood .

  10. 阿西莫夫可能是“三大科幻大师”里最著名的了,他还是科幻小说史上最高产的作家之一。

    Asimov is perhaps the most famous of " The Big Three of Science Fiction " and is one of the most prolific writers in sci-fi history .

  11. 尽管这是我第三次上大师课,但是要立刻在舞台上掌握本质的内容依然让我感到紧张,不过比前几次有所进步。

    Since this is my third time doing this , the shock of having to step into " just getting stuff " then and there on the stage seemed less than in previous ones but it was still there .

  12. 第三章为工美大师品牌资产及影响因素评估分析。

    In the third chapter , analyzing the Masters of Industrial Arts of China brand equity and influencing factors .

  13. 三空间,澳洲大师颠峰之作,全成品呈现,欢迎莅临。

    Three Spaces , the peak work by an Australian great master , has presented all its accomplishments for your gracious visit .

  14. 三位西方建筑大师在印度的创作对印度现代建筑产生了重大的影响,印度本土建筑师在大师离开之后,走出了一条自己的现代之路。

    Three western masters exerted a great influence on the contemporary lndian architecture by their creative works , and lndian native architects have broken a modern way of their own since the master 's leaving .

  15. 随着近几年三届上海网球大师杯成功举行成为上海网球发展史上的新起点,掀起广大学生、市民对网球的热情;

    With the successful of the Shanghai master cup these years , a new start point of shanghai tennis sports history has come . It also brings a great interesting to the citizens and the college students .

  16. 他们是来自三个伟大的国家的三位烹饪大师。我是苏珊.韦伯斯特。

    Three great cooks from three great countries , I 'm Susan Webster .