
  1. 在计划评价方面,各级医院管理者之间差异显著,有统计学意义(P0.05),表现一级医院的绩效最低。

    Evaluation in the planning , the difference between hospital administrators at all levels significantly , there are statistically significant ( P0.05 ), the performance of the lowest performance level .

  2. 深圳市某一级医院人员编制现状分析

    Analysis of the quota status of one first-level hospital in Shenzhen city

  3. 方法:对97所一级医院的评审资料进行分析。

    Methods : Evaluation data of97 first-level hospitals were analyzed .

  4. 武汉市实施一级医院分级管理与医院评审的做法与体会

    Accreditation Process and Graded Management of Grass & Roots Level Hospitals in Wuhan City

  5. 基层、农村的一级医院康复医疗几乎为空白。

    And it was nearly blank in Grade - 1 hospitals of the rural areas .

  6. 卫生局项目经费对闵行区一级医院首诊测压工作的影响分析

    Effects of health bureau project fee on the first blood pressure measuring in Minhang District

  7. 上海市某区一级医院门诊病人吸烟现况调查与分析

    Survey of the current smoking status and influencing factors among outpatients of a district in Shanghai

  8. 目的了解一级医院对常见细胞形态学识别情况。

    Objective To investigate the status of the routine test in cell morphology in the grade-one hospitals .

  9. 71.0%的一级医院无法独立完成患者靶器官损害的评估工作;

    71.0 % of community level hospitals could not judge the patient 's " target organ damage " independently .

  10. 按照一级医院的基本设备设置标准所列出的19项设备,社区卫生服务站平均拥有6.24种设备根据社区卫生服务的特点所列出的14项设备,社区卫生服务站平均拥有9.66种设备。

    For the equipments which is listed according to the first-grade hospital criterion , the average amount of CHS stations is 6.24 ;

  11. 在军区总医院这一级医院对全部在用的药品进行集中议价,是一种有益的探索。

    The concentrative negotiation of the prices for being used drugs in the hospitals such as general hospital of military command is profitable exploration .

  12. 一级医院的西药费、治疗费、检查费或检验费及床位费分别位居住院总费用构成比的前四位;

    The medicine charge , treatment charges , examination charges and bed charges got the first 4 arrangement in total hospitalization expense in primary hospital .

  13. 上海市一级医院35岁以上首诊病人测血压现状调查

    Cross-sectional study on blood pressure measurement in outpatients above 35 years of age at first visit to the centers of community health services in Shanghai

  14. [结果]一级医院肠道门诊消毒管理质量差于二、三级医院,与实际情况相符,效果满意。

    [ Results ] Quality of disinfection management in diarrhea outpatient clinics in top grade and middle grade hospitals were better than those in primary grade hospitals .

  15. 执业人员穿戴工作服上岗制度执行最好的是一级医院,个体诊所此项工作有待加强;不同办医主体中,政府办医好于社会办医。

    Practitioners wear overalls execution system is the best level of hospital , individual clinic this work remains to be strengthen ;, the main different do medical government social do medical .

  16. 方法:对1997年1月至2000年8月的家庭病床、一级医院和二级医院及老年护理医院住院病人8个晚期恶性肿瘤病种的平均住院日、人均费用和治疗费用进行分析。

    Method : The average hospitalization days , per capita medical expenses and medical treatment expenses of inpatients with eight terminal malignant tumors from family sickbeds , basic hospitals , secondary hospitals , and geriatric nursing hospitals from January of 1997 to August of 2000 were analyzed .

  17. 结论所拟老年护理院与家庭病床双向转诊评分标准的模式,能够降低医疗费用,节约卫生资源,为一级医院功能定位在社区提供了保证。

    Conclusion This model , the standard of giving marks for two_way diagnosis and treatment between Elderly Nursing_hospital and Family_bed , can reduce medical expenses , raise the rate of the utilization of beds , save health resource and ensure grade ⅰ hospital to function in community .

  18. 方法对所在市部分二级综合医院、二级专科医院和一级综合医院,通过传真、电话、信函和面谈几种方式进行调查。

    Methods Several second-class general hospitals , second-class specialty hospitals and base-class general hospitals sited in this city were investigated using questionnaire through fax , telephone , letter , and interview .

  19. 上海市区一、二级医院门诊医疗服务过程质量调查

    Quality of medical care service process for outpatients in primary and secondary-care hospitals in Shanghai

  20. 文章着眼于下一步二级医院后勤管理的改革,力求从二级医院后勤改革的必要性、重点、难点和怎样进行改革等问题进行探索性的思考。

    This paper focuses on logistics reform in secondary hospitals and tries to discuss the necessity , key issues , difficult issues and how to reform .

  21. 结论2005年各级医院口腔器械消毒方式较2002年更为符合要求,但一、二级医院有待进一步提高。

    Conclusion The sterilization of dental instruments was more adequate in 2005 than in 2002 . But it still needs further improvement in grade one and two hospitals .

  22. 门诊患者的药费、实验室检查费、辅助检查费及诊疗总费用及模拟患者的人均门诊诊疗总费用在一、二级医院间差异无显著性(均P>0.05)。

    There were no significant difference in costs for drugs , lab test and auxiliary examinations and total cost of outpatients , as well as average cost for simulated outpatient visit in primary and secondary-care hospitals ( P > 0.05 ) .

  23. 目的研究一、二级医院门诊医疗服务过程质量、就诊时间和医疗费用,为改善医疗服务过程质量提供科学的决策依据。

    Objective In order to provide scientific basis in decision-making for improvement of quality of medical care , current quality of medical care service process , consultation time and medical care cost were studied in primary and secondary-care hospitals of Shanghai .

  24. 康复医疗机构的一般情况:63所康复机构488人中康复专业人员仅占8.2%,一、二级医院康复人员的专业、学历结构显著低于三级医院(P<0.05)。

    General condition of rehabilitative medical establishment : Rehabilitation technicians only occupied 8.2 % in 488 persons from 63 rehabilitation institutions and the structure of major and schoolings in 1 grade and 2 grade hospitals was obviously inferior to that in 3 grade hospitals ( P < 0.05 ) .

  25. 结果通过该研究建立的门诊病历原迹数字存储系统在一家三级甲等医院使用。

    Result The digital outpatient service medical record memory system by way of what this research was built is used in a first-rate hospital of three grades .

  26. 典型案例分析法明确评价主体、评价客体、评价依据、评价方式和评价方法,对一家三级甲等医院实施的室间隔缺损临床路径的医疗服务管理绩效进行测评。

    Typical case analysis . Gained the subject , object , form , basis , method for evaluation and made test on the medical care management in an general hospital for performance evaluation . 6 . Statistical analysis method .