
  • 网络First-Order Second-Moment;fosm
  1. 针对一次二阶矩法可靠度指标分析中验算点的计算问题,提出一种新的修正迭代算法。

    A new iterative algorithm is presented for seeking the design point in the FOSM reliability index analysis .

  2. 试验证明,根据改进的一次二阶矩法得到的结果更具有正确性、可行性,为护理床抬背杆的可靠度研究提供了依据。

    Experiment proves that in light of FOSM , more correct and feasible results could be obtained , which provides some basis for reliability research on nursing sample raise-back design .

  3. 运用改进一次二阶矩法(AdvancedFirst-OrderSecondMoment-AFSOM法)的基本理论,编制了相应的计算程序。

    Advanced First-Order Second Moment ( AFOSM ) calculating software is programmed .

  4. 采用JC法(一次二阶矩法)分析了武汉长江隧道横断面的地震动力可靠度。

    Then we use JC method to analyze the dynamic reliability of Wuhan Changjiang shield tunnel .

  5. 单层板失效与否应用Tsai-Wu准则判断,采用一次二阶矩法(FORM)计算和评价失效概率。

    The Tsai-Wu criterion , the first order reliability method ( FORM ) and the system reliability theory were utilized to evaluate the failure probability of the laminate .

  6. 基于可靠度理论,本文采用一次二阶矩法(JC法)对疲劳裂纹扩展可靠性进行计算。

    Based on reliability theory , the first order second moment method ( JC method ) is adopted to analyze and compute the fatigue reliability .

  7. 根据提出的可靠度计算理论和方法,编制了基于一次二阶矩和JC法的可靠度计算程序。

    Secondly , the procedure of tunnel lining based on First Order Second Moment ( FOSM ) and JC method is presented to calculate the reliability of tunnel lining .

  8. 并用改进的一次二阶矩法、分枝限界法、PNET法对该结构系统进行结构可靠性分析。

    Adopted first-order second-moment method , advanced branch-and-bound method and PNET method are used to do reliability analysis for the structure system .

  9. 第二章介绍可靠度理论的基本原理,可靠度常用的计算方法,如一次二阶矩法、Monte-Carlo法、优化法和图解法等。

    In the second chapter , the basic principles of reliability and common methods of calculation , First Order Second Moment Method , Monte-Carlo Method , Optimization Method and Iconography Method etc , are introduced .

  10. 针对经典JC法不能求解隐式功能函数的问题,提出了改进的一次二阶矩方法。

    Since the method of JC for reliability index cannot apply to the inexplicit performance function , an improved primary second moment method for reliability index without explicit performance function is presented .

  11. 归纳分析了结构可靠度的一些基本概念和基本理论,并提出了可靠指标一些常用的计算方法,如一次二阶矩法、JC法、蒙特卡罗方法等。

    It summarizes some basic concepts and theories , and puts forward some calculation methods of reliable index , such as First-order Second-moment Method , JC Method and Monte Carlo Method . 3 .

  12. 采用JC法,分别计算主跨关键截面的可靠度指标,并与一次二阶矩中心点法和改进的一次二阶矩法计算的可靠度指标进行比较。

    The reliabilities of the key sections of the main span are calculated with the method of JC individually , and are compared with the results computed by the mean point method and improved method of First-Order Second-Moment .

  13. 详细阐述了结构点可靠度计算方法,对改进的一次二阶矩法、JC法、几何法、高次高阶矩法、响应面法、蒙特卡洛法、随机有限元法等方法进行了分析。

    Computation method for structural point reliability is described in detail and analysis on improved simple second moment method , JC method , geometric method , high order moment method , response surface method , Monte Carlo method and stochastic finite element method are conducted .

  14. 本文采用一次二阶矩理论的几种失效概率计算方法对主跨602m的上海杨浦大桥进行了颤振失效概率计算。

    Several approaches based on the first order reliability theory are used to calculate the failure probability of the Yangpu bridge , which is a cable-stayed bridge with a main span of 602m in Shanghai .

  15. 索张拉预应力钢桁架可靠性分析的一次二阶矩法

    Reliability analysis of Prestressed Steel Trusses Based on methods of FOSM

  16. 工程结构可靠度分析的一次二阶矩法探讨

    Discussion on the first-order second-moment method of project structural reliability analysis

  17. 基于随机有限元&一次二阶矩法的汽轮机叶片可靠度计算

    Reliability calculation of steam turbine blade based on SFEM and mean-variance method

  18. 利用改进一次二阶矩法计算边坡稳定可靠指标

    Calculation of Slope Stability Index Based on Improved Linear Second Order Moment

  19. 针对经典的一次二阶矩法在计算可靠指标时可能不收敛的不足,提出了一种线性可行方向算法。

    A linear feasible direction algorithm is proposed to calculate reliability index .

  20. 结构可靠度分析的一次二阶矩方法与二次二阶矩方法

    Simple and Quadratic of the Two Ranks Quadrature of the Structure Reliability

  21. 一次二阶矩方法在斜坡稳定性概率评价中的应用

    Application of first_order second_moment method to assessing slope stability

  22. 一次二阶矩可靠度方法及其软件

    First Order Second Moment Reliability Method and Its Software

  23. 导弹翼面结构一次二阶矩法可靠性设计研究

    Reliability design research for structures of missile wings by first order second-moment method

  24. 一次二阶矩法在工程应用中的改进

    Improvement of primary second moment method in engineering application

  25. 基于改进一次二阶矩法的砂土液化判别方法

    Sandy Soil Liquefaction Assessment Method Based on Improved Linear Second Order Moment Method

  26. 因此本方法更加完善了一次二阶矩方法,拓展了其应用前景。

    This method perfects primary second moment method and extends its field of application .

  27. 基于一次二阶矩法的齿轮传动可靠性设计研究

    A Study of the Gear Reliability Design Based on the Linear Second Order Moment

  28. 一次二阶矩法及其在螺栓可靠性设计中的应用

    Study on the Linear Second Order Moment Method and Its Application to Bolt Reliability Design

  29. 其中解析法又包括直接积分法、一次二阶矩法、响应面法和改进均值法。并总结了各种方法的特点、缺陷以及适应的情况。

    Analytical methods include first order method , advanced mean valve method and response surface method .

  30. 均值一次二阶矩法在水质非突发性风险分析中的应用

    Application of MFOSM ( mean first order second moment ) method to non-sudden risk analysis of water quality