
  • 网络A storm;A Wave of Unrest
  1. 我没有料到我的请求会掀起这么大一场风波。

    I hadn 't foreseen the tempest my request would cause

  2. 随后,国民政府就经略新疆之人选引发了一场风波,白崇禧卷入其中。

    Then it triggered a storm for the candidate of controlling Xinjiang , in which Pai Chung-hsi was involved .

  3. 这么简单的话在家里掀起一场风波:达力吓得倒抽一口冷气,咣啷一声从椅子上掉下来,巨响震动了整个厨房;

    The effect of this simple sentence on the rest of the family was incredible : Dudley gasped and fell off his chair with a crash that shook the whole kitchen ; Mrs.

  4. 即便在这么小的篇幅内,巴菲特还说,投资者应该预计到周期性的打击,而且他还列出了两项可能预示着一场风波提前来临的统计数据。

    And even in that small space , Buffett says that investors should expect periodic setbacks , and he includes two statistics that could signal one may be coming up sooner rather than later .

  5. 我们认为,来雅士可能太忙于玩《侠盗猎车:圣安地列斯》,或者在酒吧与同事小酌一些威士忌之前在厨房制造一场风波,而不能真正顾及。

    We think that the Ladult is probably too busy playing Grand Theft Auto San andreas , or cooking up a storm in the kitchen before heading out for a few whiskies in the pub with his mates , to really care .

  6. 去年,中日两国突然为了几个小岛发生争执,导致了一场外交风波。

    Last year China and Japan suddenly were at odds over sovereignty of several small islands , creating a diplomatic furor .

  7. 上月,帕尔默曾在中澳之间掀起了一场外交风波,当时他在澳大利亚国家电视台发布了一篇针对中国人的长篇演说,称中国人是射杀自己人的混蛋。

    Last month Mr Palmer prompted a diplomatic incident between Australia and China when he launched a tirade against the Chinese on national television , labelling them bastards and mongrels who shoot their own citizens .

  8. 今年三月,他发动一场批评风波说日本的地震和海啸是“上天的警告”,因为这个国家推崇“偶像崇拜、无神论和物质主义”。

    In March he sparked a storm of criticism by claiming the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was " God 's warning " to a country that follows " idol worship , atheism , and materialism " .

  9. 上月,帕尔默曾在中澳之间掀起了一场外交风波,当时他在澳大利亚国家电视台发布了一篇针对中国人的长篇演说,称中国人是射杀自己人的“混蛋”。

    Last month Mr Palmer prompted a diplomatic incident between Australia and China when he launched a tirade against the Chinese on national television , labelling them " bastards " and " mongrels " who shoot their own citizens .

  10. 2003年一场RPC病毒风波席卷全球,造成了很大的损失。

    In 2003 , a RPC virus storm sweep the world , and did great damage .

  11. 最后我终于遭到了一场小小的风波。

    At length I fell into some broils .

  12. 中国慈善事业的发展经历着一场又一场的捐赠风波,公民的慈善热情锐减,连续数月红十字会再也收不到民间捐款,甚至征集不到义务献血的志愿者。

    Chinese philanthropy experiencing a storm after another donation , charitable donations of citizens enthusiasm dropped for several months the Red Cross no longer receive public donations , and even less than collecting blood donation volunteers .

  13. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)将大部分时间花费在对付一场越来越艰难的国内辩论上,如今斯塔克的辞职又引起了一场新的风波。

    Angela Merkel , Chancellor of Germany , spends most of her time managing an increasingly fraught domestic debate , which has now taken a new twist with the resignation of Mr stark .

  14. 第二次是他向一家报社泄露了总统打算邀请一位知名持不同政见者参加节日宴会的消息,引发了一场外交风波。

    First he was caught entering the White House with a spliff he had forgotten to remove from his briefcase ; next he leaked to a newspaper the president 's plans to invite a leading dissident to a gala dinner , provoking a diplomatic incident .

  15. 在照片被盗的新闻曝出之前一周,艾玛就曾因在《名利场》拍摄时露胸而被批“反女权”,陷入了一场批评风波。

    News of the theft comes a week after Watson sparked fierce debate over whether she was anti-feminist for exposing part of her breasts in a Vanity Fair photoshoot .