
  • 网络monoacid;weak monoacid
  1. 一元弱酸弱碱盐溶液的PH探讨

    Discussion on the PH in the Monobasic Weak - acid Weak - base Salt Solution

  2. 计算一元弱酸或弱碱溶液pH值的新公式

    A new equation for calculating the pH value of solutions of monoprotic weak acid or base

  3. 值为44。无量纲计算一元弱酸溶液pH值

    Value ( number of fundamental ) being 44 . The chromosome number and karyotype of A. The Dimensionless Calculation of pH for the Solution of Weak Monoacids

  4. 本文介绍了一元弱酸或弱碱溶液pH值计算的一种新公式,该公式简单、准确度好,对多种溶液的pH进行了计算,结果满意。

    A new equation are given for calculating pH value of solutions of mono - protic weak acid or base . The equation is simple accurate and has been applied with satisfactory results .

  5. QBASIC程序计算一元弱酸(碱)溶液的酸(碱)度

    Using QBASIC Procedure to Calculate the Acidity ( Alkalinity ) of the Weak Monoacid ( Monobasic ) Aqua

  6. 强酸与一元弱酸混合酸中各组分酸含量测定

    Determination of Personal Content of Acid in Mixture Containing Strong and Weak Monoacids

  7. 半中和点法测定两种一元弱酸混合酸中各组分酸含量

    Determination of Each Component Acid in Mixture of Two Different Weak Monoacids By Half Neutralization Point Method

  8. 本文讨论了离子强度对盐类水解浓度平衡常数影响,指出在一定温度下,离子强度的增大,对一元弱酸强碱盐和强酸弱碱盐的水解浓度平衡常数趋向无影响;

    This paper discusses the effect of ionic strength on saline hydrolysis concentration eguilibrium constant , on a certain temperature conditions , a rise in ionic strength has no effect on weakly alkaline salt and weakly acidic salt hydrolysis concentration equilibrium constant ;

  9. H106是一种一元弱酸,在试验条件下,它通过氧-氧配位,与金属离子形成内络盐MeLn。

    H 106 is a weak monobasic acid with superior stability and extractability . It forms internal complexing salts with metal ions under testing conditions through oxygen-oxygen coordination .

  10. 一元强酸与弱酸的分步滴定对混合离子分步滴定最佳酸度的讨论

    Strong and Weak Acid Mixture of Stepwise Titration Optimum Acidity of Step Titration M ixed Ion

  11. 通过对一元强碱滴定同浓度一元强酸及弱酸滴定曲线的绘制步骤,介绍其在绘制酸碱滴定曲线中的应用;

    The application of Excel software in plotting titration curve was introduced through plotting the titration curve of strong base to strong acid and weak acid of the same concentration ;