
  • 网络one-man company;one man company;one-man company or one-member company
  1. 一人公司(one-mancompany)是指公司的股东(自然人或者法人)只有一人,并且由该股东持有所有股份或者全部出资的公司。

    One-man company is the company funded by the only one shareholder ( natural or legal person ), who holds all the shares or investments of the company .

  2. 一人公司(one-mancompany)又称独资公司、独股公司,是指股东仅为一人的有限公司或股份有限公司。

    One-man company calls again the sole ownership company , the alone stock company , refers limited company or the limited joint-stock company whose shareholder is only one person .

  3. 尤其一人公司(B)很适合我国国情,具有很大的发展潜力。

    Personal company ( B ) is especially suitable for China and contains enormous developmental potential .

  4. 关于我国一人公司立法问题的研究

    A Research on the Legislation of a Company Containing One Shareholder

  5. 第二节健全一人公司信用体系。

    Section II , a sound credit system of one-man company .

  6. 一人公司法律问题探讨

    Probe into the Legal Problem of the One - person Corporation

  7. 一人公司的法人格与法律规制

    The Legal Person 's Personality and Legal Standardization of One-member Company

  8. 二是对于一人公司贷款行为的定性。

    Second it is for one man company loan behavior qualitative .

  9. 一人公司治理结构及人格否认研究

    Study on One-Man Company 's Governance and Lifting the Corporate Veil

  10. 一人公司法人的法理学分析

    Analysis of One-member Company by the Science of Principle of Law

  11. 新《公司法》一人公司规范之疑义与缺失

    The Problems of Provisions about One-Man Company In the New Company Law

  12. 一人公司债权人保护研究

    Study on the Protection of the Creditor of One-Man Company

  13. 文章认为,一人公司作为社会的产物,是经济发展的必然结果。

    It is considered that is the inevitable result of economic development .

  14. 一人公司良性发展之我见

    My attitude on the development of " Company with one Shareholder "

  15. 我国实施一人公司制度中存在问题的对策研究

    One-man Company of the Problems in Our Country 's System of Countermeasures

  16. 一人公司法人人格否认问题研究

    The Study on the Denying of Juristic Personality of One Man Company

  17. 首先,介绍了一人公司的历史演进。

    First of all , introduces the historical evolution of one-man company .

  18. 公司法修改后一人公司立法述评

    Review of One-Man Company Legislation after Amending a Company Law

  19. 1925年,列支敦士登首先在立法上承认了一人公司。

    In 1925 , Liechtenstein first acknowledged one-man company in the legislation .

  20. 一人公司及其法律规制刍议

    Humble Opinion of One-person Company and its Regulation of Law

  21. 一人公司存在与规制的法理研究

    Law Theories Study of Establishment and Legislation of One-Man Company

  22. 一人公司社会责任的正当性分析及其实现路径

    On the Justification of One-Man Company 's Social Responsibility and Its Approach

  23. 一人公司是我国新修订的公司法规定的新制度,自其诞生以来,便存在正反两方面的社会效应。

    One man company is a new system in the new company law .

  24. 一人公司法律监管制度研究

    Research on Legal Supervision System of One Person Company

  25. 一人公司及其人格否认研究

    Research on One Man Company and the Disregard of One Man Company Entity

  26. 首先,对我国一人公司立法现状进行了简要阐述。

    First , the legislative status of one company conducted a brief description .

  27. 浅析我国一人公司制度的缺陷及对策

    Flaw and Countermeasure of One-Person Company System in China

  28. 一人公司及其在我国的适用

    One Man Company and It 's Application in China

  29. 一人公司有限责任的经济分析&兼论我国新公司法中一人公司

    The Economic Analysis on Limited Liability of One-man Company

  30. 一人公司股东无限责任之研究

    A Study on the Unlimited Duty of One-man Company