
  1. 其中LS方法和LAD方法(最小一乘法)是M方法的两个重要特例。

    Among them , the M-method is the most important and fruitful . The LS method and the LAD ( Least absolute deviation ) are two special cases of the M method .

  2. 将最小一乘法应用于微分方程变量参数求解,建立稳健灰色模型RGM(1,1),并将其应用于建筑物沉降预报和比较。

    Appling least absolute deviation to calculate variable parameter of differential equation , robust grey model RGM ( 1,1 ) has been set up and used to forecast the settlement tendency of building .

  3. 偏最小二乘回归能较好地解决自变量间的多重共线问题,最小一乘法比最小二乘法能更有效地降低回归模型的误差。

    Partial Least Square Regression can resolve the problem of multicollinearity among variables .

  4. 线性回归与最小一乘法

    Linear Regression and Least One - power Method

  5. 关于多元加权全最小一乘法的最优解

    Optimal solution on weighted total least absolute deviations

  6. 基于最小一乘法的组合赋权法在中长期负荷预测中的应用

    Application of combination determining weights method based on LAD to the power mid-long term load forecasting

  7. 从算术平均数谈最小一乘法与最小二乘法的区别

    Discussing from the Arithmetic Average of the Difference between the Least One Multiplication and the Least Square Method

  8. 为了改善预测效果,采用加权最小一乘法来进行参数估计。

    In order to improve forecasting performance , the weighted least absolute value is used to estimate parameters .

  9. 论述了最小一乘法与最小二乘法的历史及其在解的多重性、突出点对回归线影响等方面的差异。

    Besides , the history of least one-power method and least squares method , multiple solutions and the various effects of outliers on the regression line are discussed .

  10. 本文在对分位数回归的国内外研究现状进行综述后,介绍了分位数回归的模型和实现方法,并将它与最小平方法、最小一乘法进行了比较。

    After summarizing research actuality of quantile regression inside and outside our country , this article introduces this ideal model and realization method , and compares it with OLS and LAD .

  11. 后者通过放置监督色板来描述光源转换关系,然后采用薄板样条映射光照数据,再在约简后的映射数据上应用最小一乘法捕获转化关系。

    By putting a supervised color chart , the latter maps the illumination data using TPS and applies LAD regression to the reduced mapped data to capture the transformation among illuminations .

  12. 线性回归模型是解决这类问题的方法之一,常用最小二乘法或最小一乘法来估计未知参数。

    A standard approach is to specify a linear regression model and to estimate its unknown parameters using the method of ordinary least squares ( OLS ) or least absolute deviation ( LAD ) .

  13. 论述了用最小一乘法估计两变数线性回归模型中的参数。计算方法为:通过定点的解法,一般解法,两点法和单纯形法。

    This paper describes the least one-power method of estimating the parameters in linear regression model of two variables , which is used in the solving method by fixed point , general solving method , two points method and simplex method .

  14. 为提高预测模型的预测精度,从几个角度研究了预测模型中参数估计的优化方法,并利用欧氏空间的距离将建立趋势预测模型的折扣最小一乘法推广到建立一般因果关系的回归预测模型。

    In order to improve the precision of forecasting model , this paper studies optimal method for estimating parameters in predicting model from several sides , and develops the method of discount least absolute value that is used as constructing general regressive forecasting model by the use of Euclidean distance .

  15. Bergman空间上一类乘法算子的相似性

    The Similarity for a Certain Multiplication Operators on Bergman Space

  16. 关于多重有向根树的一种乘法运算

    A Multiplication Operation between Multiple Directed Rooted Trees

  17. 注意这个算法首先执行一个乘法,然后又执行一个除法(移位)。

    Note that the algorithm performs a multiply first and a divide ( shift ) later .

  18. 该算法需在原奇数模模逆算法的基础上,增加一次乘法、一次除法和两次减法运算。

    This algorithm needs additionally one times addition , one times division and two times subtraction than original modular inversion algorithm .

  19. 若不考虑整数的位长,只用一次乘法便可算出卷积。

    If the length of integer is ignored , as done by Wang , only one multiplication is enough to compute the convolution .

  20. 老师给你一张乘法口诀表,希望看到你带回家把它们背熟,而不是问一些诸如乘法是什么这类的问题。

    The teacher Pithy Formula give you a multiplication table , hope to see you back home to their meaning , not the multiplication such as what this kind of question .

  21. 高性能乘法器是现代微处理器中的重要部件,乘法器完成一次乘法操作的周期基本上决定了微处理器的主频。

    A multiplier with good speed performance is a very important unit in the modern microprocessors because the cycle that a multiplier completes one multiplication operation determines the main frequency of the microprocessor .

  22. 通过对部分积的符号扩展、(k:2)压缩器、连线方式和最终加法器分割算法的优化设计,可以在18.81ns内完成一次乘法运算。

    An 18.81-ns multiplication time is achieved at 50 MHz , by optimizing modified signed extension algorithm , ( k : 2 ) compressors , connection algorithm and partition method of final adder .

  23. 为避免使用昂贵的乘法器集成电路,本文利用硬件查找表方案来降低成本、实时实现相乘运算。其中:方案一根据乘法分配律来简化硬件查找表的构成;

    To avoid the use of costly multiplication IC , the technique of hardware lockup table to realize mutiplication in low cost and real-time is used in these schemes , The first scheme is to simplify hardware lockup table based on the multiplication allocating rule ;

  24. 在上面TimeBase计算的实现中,算法使用了一个辅助乘法函数。

    In the implementation of the Time Base calculation above , the algorithm uses a helper multiply function .

  25. 一种无乘法的FFT算法

    A FFT algorithm without multiplication

  26. FPU中一种高速乘法运算电路的设计与实现

    A Design and Implement of a High-speed Multiplying Operational Circuit in FPU

  27. 本项目的目的是设计一种8Bit乘法型高速硅数模转换器IC芯片。

    The purpose of this project is to realize a design of an 8 Bit high-speed digital-analog converter ( DAC ) .

  28. 在有限二元树的同构类集合生成的向量空间上,利用二元树的节序列定义一个余乘法,得到了一个分次、余交换Hopf代数。

    We define a coproduct on the vector space which has as basis all finite binary trees by using their spine sequences , and construct a cocommutative graded connected Hopf algebra .

  29. 阵列乘法器是在PENTIUM等高速计算机中采用的一种高速乘法运算器,据此讨论其补码阵列乘法器的设计和运算规则。

    Array multiplier is one of the high_speed multipliers used in the high_speed computers , such as PENTIUM . This paper discusses the design and operation rules of the complement array multiplier .

  30. 与一类半乘法函数相关联矩阵的行列式的界

    Bounds for determinants of Matrices Associated with Classes of Semi-multiplicative Functions