
  1. 我决定要一个人生活,于是叫他走人。

    I decided I wanted to live alone and I sent him packing .

  2. 自那以后,我一直一个人生活,全身心投入我的事业当中。

    Since then I 've lived alone and immersed myself in my career .

  3. 他虽然一个人生活,但很愉快。

    Though living alone , he is very happy .

  4. 他一个人生活,无忧无虑。

    He lives alone without any worries .

  5. 你一个人生活惯了,不知道身边没有人多苦恼。

    You are so much used to living alone that you do not know the value of a companion .

  6. 哈利:是的,我不能总是依赖我的父母。迟早,我会一个人生活,面对生活中的困难。

    Harry : Yes , I can 't always depend on ( upon ) my parents.Sooner or later , I will live alone and face the difficulties in my life .

  7. 我觉得还是一个人生活比较开心。

    I think bachelordom might be what you need right now .

  8. 秀珍,你不知道现在一个人生活很不容易的吗。

    Soo-jin , don 't think it 's easy living alone .

  9. 描写另一个人生活的人。

    Someone who writes an account of another person 's life .

  10. 我是多么习惯于一个人生活。

    I 'm so accustomed to a person 's life .

  11. 但是有时,一个人生活的确很寂寞。

    But sometimes , the lonely life is real lonely .

  12. 这并不是一个人生活多快乐的问题。

    This is not about how happily a person lives .

  13. 11岁的时候,我希望自己一个人生活。

    When I was 11 , I wanted to be left alone .

  14. 我觉得一个人生活也很开心是有原因的。

    There is a reason I said I 'd be happy alone .

  15. 也许一个人生活在被战争蹂躏的区域。

    Or perhaps one has lived in a war-torn region .

  16. 自己一个人生活很不容易。

    It 's not easy to live on your own .

  17. 上瘾渐渐会变成一个人生活的内在驱力。

    The addiction becomes the underlying drive for the person 's life .

  18. 我可以一个人生活在纽约

    I can live in New York on my own .

  19. 他得知她依然一个人生活,有些吃惊。

    He learned that she is still a life , and some surprise .

  20. 现在你已经100岁了,你不能在一个人生活了。

    You are 100 years old , you shouldn 't be live alone .

  21. 他在海边独自一个人生活。

    You should learn to solve problems by yourself .

  22. 因为你不能一个人生活。

    Because you just couldn 't live with yourself .

  23. 中彩票能成为一个人生活的转折点吗?

    Would winning the lottery be a turning point of one 's life ?

  24. 现在她和另外一个人生活在一起,和他有了这个3岁的孩子。

    She 's with someone else now , the father of her three-year-old .

  25. 一个人生活有时会感到忧郁。

    Sometimes it 's depressing when you live alone .

  26. 你应该学会习惯一个人生活。

    You need to get used to being alone .

  27. 他是个单身汉,一个人生活,花钱很随便。

    He 's a bachelor , who lives alone and spends fairly freely .

  28. 卷尾巴走向了了外面的世界,独自一个人生活。

    So Curly Tail went out into the world to live by himself .

  29. 即使得一个人生活,他也不会不快乐的。

    He would not be unhappy though he would have to live alone .

  30. 她说因为你一个人生活,你要照顾好你自己。

    She said since you lived alone , you should take care of yourself .