
  1. 巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)创业学助理教授、弗雷德里克·C.汉密尔顿(FredericC.Hamilton)自由企业研究项目主席

    Associate professor of entrepreneurship and Frederic C. Hamilton chair of free enterprise , Babson College

  2. 在所有这些活动之中,最让我记忆犹新的是一场由Zafar教授主讲的讲座。他是一位多年在伯克利主讲创业学的教授兼连环创业者。

    Among all these events , the most memorable one was an event that featured Professor Naeem Zafar , a serial entrepreneur who has been teaching entrepreneurship in Berkeley for many years .

  3. 布朗特给凯洛格商学院带来的改变还不止如此,其他变化还包括:更加重视为商学专业本科生提供的一年制MBA课程,大刀阔斧地对学院的创业学教授方式进行改革,以及一个新的营销活动,督促凯洛格的毕业生们“勇敢地思考”。

    It 's the latest in a series of changes at Kellogg under Blount , including a greater emphasis on its one-year MBA program for business undergraduates , dramatic improvements in the way the school is teaching entrepreneurship , and a new marketing campaign that challenges Kellogg 's grads to " think bravely . " To fund the improvements ,

  4. 创业学在商学院中的形象显然是积极的。

    The image of entrepreneurship within business schools is clearly positive .

  5. 创业学:学科定位及其架构分析

    Pioneering Science : Study Niche and its Structural Analysis

  6. 美国创业学发展及其对中国的借鉴

    The development of entrepreneurship in the United States and its enlightenment to China

  7. 威廉66;鲍莫尔在他的增长理论中将创业学放在核心位置。

    William Baumol has put entrepreneurs at the centre of his theory of growth .

  8. 规制经济学学科定位中的几个问题创业学:学科定位及其架构分析

    On the Discipline of Regulation Economics Pioneering Science : Study Niche and its Structural Analysis

  9. 中国创业学学科体系探讨

    Study of System of China Enterprise Science

  10. 创业学的本土化,必须走中西创业文化兼容并包之路。

    The localization of entrepreneurship must follow a all-inclusive road which covers the entrepreneurial culture between China and the West .

  11. 创业学研究自20世纪80年代兴起于美国之后,近些年来我国也开始了创业学研究与教育工作。

    The study of Pioneering Science began in America in 1980 's and recently its study and education started in China .

  12. 源自西方的创业学是一门关于创业规律和方法的新兴科学。

    As a new-rising discipline , entrepreneurship , which originated from the west , is about the entrepreneurial rules and methods .

  13. 在实践中形成的创业学学术著作和创业学教材都是创业学本土化的标志性成果。

    Academic writings and textbooks of entrepreneurship which formed in the practice are symbols of achievements in the localization of entrepreneurship .

  14. 一般说来,创业学本土化的兼容并包首先要解决到价值取向这一核心问题。

    For the most part , the first thing in the all-inclusive localization of entrepreneurship is to resolve the core problem of value orientation .

  15. 民航院校开设创业学课程的必要性呼吁中国大学开设劝服学课程

    Necessities as to Developing Curricula of ' Employment Pioneering ' in Aviation Colleges On the Necessity of Opening the Course of Persuasion in China 's Universities

  16. 中国的经济转型与巨大的就业压力,迫切需要创建“中国创业学”学科体系以指导创业教育与实践。

    As the economic change and the pressure of unemployment of China , the guide of enterprise education is urgent demanded by the system of China Enterprise Science .

  17. 创业学理论最早出现在美国哈佛大学的课堂上,并且在美国经济危机中发挥了巨大的作用,并因此受到了学术界以及企业界的广泛重视。

    Entrepreneurship theory first appeared in the Harvard University classroom , and the economic crisis in the United States has played a huge role , and therefore subject to the academic and business world-wide attention .

  18. 美国创业学教授、创业学之父杰佛里·蒂蒙斯留下这样一段名言:我们正处在一场悄悄的大变革中&它是全世界人类创造力和创造精神的胜利。

    America professor of entrepreneurship , entrepreneurship father Jeffrey Timmons left such a famous saying : We are in a big quietly change-it is the victory of the human world ' creativity and the creative spirit .

  19. 克里斯坦森的课程需要每周学习4到5个小时,为期4周,而创业学课程最初将仅限于哈佛的本科生、研究生、博士后和研究员。

    Christensen 's course will require four to five hours per week over four weeks , while the entrepreneurship course will initially be limited to Harvard undergrads , graduate students , and postdoctoral and clinical fellows .

  20. 在此基础上,分析了中国发展创业学的必要性与重要性,得出借鉴美国创业学发展经验中国应尽快建立创业学学科的结论,并进一步展望了创业学在中国的发展前景。

    Secondly , we analyze the necessity and importance of entrepreneurship research area in China . Based on that , we come to the conclusion that it 's the time to develop the entrepreneurship discipline , which will have a good prospect in China .

  21. 创业、产学联合与区域经济增长&基于知识屏障视角的实证分析

    Entrepreneurship , Industry-university Alliance and Regional Economic Growth & An Empirical Analysis Based on the Perspective of Knowledge Filter

  22. 这种差别很重要,我之所以不建议新兴创业者首先去学MBA的课程,是因为商学院并不理解这一点。

    This is an important difference and the reason that I do not advise new entrepreneurs to submit themselves first to the rigours of an MBA is that business schools do not understand it .

  23. 网络脱生:创业过程的社会学分析

    Born out of Network : A sociological analysis of the startup

  24. 高等学校应当在理论研究的基础上,根据创业教育的需要,躬身本土化的创业学教材建设。

    Higher education institutions should compile entrepreneurship textbooks in person on the basis of theory research and the needs of entrepreneurial education .

  25. 目前,公司创业理论已经成为战略管理研究和创业学研究的前沿课题之一,也是公司实践中的热点话题。

    At present , the theory of CE has become the forefront of strategic management and entrepreneurship research topic , also is the hot topic in company practices .

  26. 全球创业热潮推动创业型大学的建立以及创业学新兴学科的快速发展。

    Entrepreneurial activities around the world promoted the establishment of entrepreneurial university and development of entrepreneurship as a new rapidly field of study .

  27. 米凯克是首批进入美国巴布森学院学习的学生,并赢得了进入该校“特色班”——“创业强度追踪项目”(EntrepreneurshipIntensityTrack)——的一个名额,这是为那些计划在毕业后不久就创业的学员准备的专业选修班。

    Mr Mikek was the first to enrol at US-based Babson , where he won a place in the school 's signature class - the Entrepreneurship Intensity Track - a specialised elective for those who plan to launch a venture shortly after they graduate .