
  1. 结论鲁南地区HBV基因型分布以C型、B型、D型为主。

    Conclusion HBV genotype C , B and D are the most genotypes of HBV in Lunan area ;

  2. 采用SIEMENS公司的Wincc/S7300控制系统,实现了鲁南矿业公司立式磁选机选矿生产线的基本控制功能;

    SIEMENS Wincc / S7-300 control system was used in the vertical magnetic ore separator of Lunan iron ore company .

  3. 本文报告原鲁南重点间日疟流行区的两个监测点居民用IFA进行六年疟疾抗体纵向监测的结果。

    This paper reports the results of 6-year longitudinal surveillance of malaria by IFA in two surveillance units in the southern part of Shandong Province where vivax malaria was formerly highly prevalent .

  4. 鲁南矿业公司在2003年4系列扩建项目中,为寻求高效率的细粒分级设备,考察了Derrick高频细筛,经过半年多的不断探索与调整,现已应用于现场生产中,取得了理想的筛分效果。

    Line in 2003 , Lunan Mining Co. made investigation on Derrick high frequency fine screen . Through over a half year 's exploration and regulation , the equipment has now been used in the production and achieved ideal screening effect .

  5. 布鲁南司法中心的FaizaPatel认为一个像洛杉矶的综合监管机构那样的独立的监管机构是非常有存在的必要的。

    Faiza Patel of the Brennan Centre for Justice feels that an independent oversight authority , like the inspector-general in Los Angeles , may be needed .

  6. 基于上述分析,文章制订了鲁南水泥的竞争战略,包括市场定位、产品定位、最小成本方案的确定、有效的差异化方案、SWOT战略模型、CIS的导入和信息化总体设想等。

    Based on the above mentioned analysis , a tailored competition strategy for Lunan Cement was presented , including market positioning , products positioning , decision of minimum cost project , effective differentiation project , SWOT strategic model , introduction to CIS , general concept of information-realizing , etc.

  7. 用天然水溶液中234U与238U之间的放射性不平衡研究的方法,对鲁南两城地区30组水样地表水和地下水铀同位素组分进行了实测。

    Determination of uranium isotope contents has been made by the method of radioactive disequilibrium between 234U and 238U for the surface and underground water from Liangcheng region of southern Shandong Province , and the results of 30 water samples analyses are presented .

  8. 一小群半兽人胆敢跨越布鲁南。

    A single Orc pack has dared to cross the Bruinen .

  9. 鲁南地区中小学生疥疮流行调查与防治

    Epidemiological survey and prevention of scabies in pupils in South Shandong

  10. 鲁南海岸的地貌发育和演变

    Geomorphic development and evolution of the southern coast of Shandong Province

  11. 孔间微差顺序起爆技术在鲁南矿业公司的应用

    Application of Inter-hole Millisecond Order Detonation Technology in Lunan Mining Company

  12. 鲁南沿海地貌与新构造运动

    Geomorphology and new tectonics movements off the southern Shandong Peninsula coast

  13. 鲁南地区正常成年男子精液质量的调查研究

    Survey on sperm quality of normal males in Lunan area

  14. 鲁南地区银屑病遗传方式的调查报告

    Investigation of hereditary mode of psoriasis in southern region of Shandong province

  15. 鲁南山区的小流域治理

    Regulation of the Small Basin in the Mountainous Region of Southern Shandong

  16. 1668年鲁南大震若干问题的考证

    A verification on some problems of the South Shandong earthquake in 1668

  17. 鲁南沿海建港条件的评价

    Evaluation of harbour building in the coastal area of southern Shandong Peninsula

  18. 浅析鲁南水泥厂降低电耗的途径

    On Measures of lowering Power Consumption in Lunan Cement Plant

  19. 煤气化技术在鲁南化肥厂的应用与发展

    Use and Growth of Coal Gasification Technology in Lunan Chemical Fertilizer Plant

  20. 第一章是整体阐述鲁南文学的目前存在状况,这一主题将分为三个小节进行论述。

    So this theme will be divided into three sections .

  21. 鲁南沙质海岸的侵蚀量及其影响因素

    Coastal erosion and its influence on Southern Shandong sandy coast

  22. 鲁南山丘区水系结构与新构造应力场

    Drainage structure and Neotectonic stress field of mountains and hills in Lunan

  23. 鲁南沿海海岸砾石层的特征及其形成环境

    The characteristics and formation environment of coastal gravel bed of South Shandong coast

  24. 鲁南&工程基础承压水处理简介

    Brief introduction of pressure water treatment of an engineering base in southern Shandong

  25. 鲁南大地有为数众多的文人学者,鲁南大地亦有数不清的英雄豪杰。

    Southern Shantung has a large number of literary scholars and countless heroes .

  26. 鲁南经济带旅游流特征分析及旅游战略调整

    The characteristics of tourist flows and the strategic adjustment of Southern Shandong tourism

  27. 第三节多元融合的复合型鲁南文化。

    Section III discusses the amalgamation of the compound culture of southern Shantung .

  28. 鲁南地区1999年麻疹暴发的流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis on Measles Outbreaks in the South of Shandong Province in 1999

  29. 鲁南近岸带沉积物中重矿物资料的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of the heavy minerals from the nearshore sediments , southern Shandong

  30. 鲁南地区城市房屋震害预测

    The seismic disasters prediction of the buildings in cities of southern Shandong Province