
  • 网络truno
  1. 计算例题表明:该类型李雅鲁诺夫函数和传统的Lure型李雅普诺夫函数相比,能更准确地给出电力系统暂态稳定域。

    The illustrating examples show that compared with the traditional Lure Lyapunov function , the stability regions given by the proposed Lyapunov function arc closer to the practical ones .

  2. 那样的话试试鲁诺吧。

    In that case , try luciano .

  3. 对线性周期时变系统,文中对于两种稳定性判别法及其近似解法作了讨论和比较,两种判别法分别为李雅鲁诺大直接法及特征根判别法。

    The criterion and solution of stability of a ship with linear time variation system was discussed .

  4. 买主是丹尼尔•埃思肯纳齐,一个伦敦杰出的中国古董商的儿子,他代表身在纽约的瑞士外汇交易专家鲁诺来竞拍。

    The buyer was Daniel Eskenazi , the son of London 's pre-eminent dealer in Chinese treasures , who was bidding on behalf of Bruno Eberli , a Swiss foreign-exchange specialist based in New York .