
  1. 鲁班传说研究

    A Study of the Legends about Lu Ban

  2. 其三,分析并论述鲁班传说丰富的思想内容与不可企及的艺术魅力。

    Third , the diesis analyzes and discusses the rich ideological contents and artistic charm .

  3. 其次,着重论述了鲁班传说在不同历史时期、不同地域、不同民族中的流传和发展。

    Second , the thesis focuses on the circulation and development of the legends about Lu Ban in different historical times , areas and peoples .

  4. 首先,本文通过对相关古籍资料的梳理、分析,论述了鲁班传说的源头及最初的形态。

    First , the thesis analyzes and discusses the origin and the original forms of the legends about Lu Ban through sorting out the correlated ancients books and materials .

  5. 鲁班传说是我国最古老的工匠传说,它数量众多,内容斑斓多彩,在我国各地、各民族间广为流传。

    The legends about Lu Ban with large quantities and rich contents are the oldest legends about the master carpenter in China that spread far and wide among the areas and peoples .