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  1. 用原子吸收光谱分析(AAS)对鲁北地区饮用水中的微量元素进行了测定。

    Drinking water of this area was also analyzed by means of AAS to determine its trace element composition .

  2. 鲁北乡村住宅体形系数与建筑节能关系基于RS和GIS的吉林省城乡居民地区划特征分析

    Relations between rural residential buildings ' shape coefficient and energy efficiency of buildings in north Shandong The Study on Spatial Pattern of Urban and Rural Residential Landuse in Jilin

  3. 测定了小尾寒羊、大尾寒羊、洼地绵羊、滩羊和鲁北白山羊5个品种羊415bp线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因片段,其中44个位点检出变异。

    The mtDNA Cyt b sequences ( 415 bp ) were analyzed in four native sheep and one goat breeds ( Little Tail Han sheep , Large Tail Han sheep , Wadi sheep , Tan sheep and Lubei White goat ) in China .

  4. 在鲁北豆田,棉铃虫Heliothisarmigera(Hubner)已上升为主要食叶害虫。

    The cotton bollworm , Heliothis armigera ( Hubner ), has become the main leaf-eating pest in north of Shandong province .

  5. 以山东鲁北EIP的硫元素代谢网络为例进行了深入的案例研究,并在几个工业生态系统和自然生态系统案例之间进行横向比较,研究结果表明方法的有效性。

    To validate the effectiveness of these indicators , the sulfur element metabolism network in Lubei EIP was taken as major case study . Comparison among several other natural ecosystem and IES cases were carried out in addition .

  6. 鲁北蔬菜生产发展中存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Vegetable Production in Northern Region of Shandong

  7. 山东鲁北平原地下水资源与可持续利用

    Sustainable utilization of groundwater resource in the Lubei plain of Shandong Province

  8. 鲁北白山羊血清乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的研究

    Study on LDH isozyme in serum of Lubei white goat

  9. 鲁北地区人体结石的成分及成因分析

    Analysis of Composition and Formation of the Body Calculi in Lubei Area

  10. 鲁北平原深层地下水基本特征与水环境问题

    Basic Characteristics of Deep Ground Water and Groundwater Environmental Problems in Lubei Plain

  11. 鲁北地区乡村住宅的节能研究

    Energy Efficiency Research on Rural Dwellings in North Shandong

  12. 鲁北化工集团工业生态园发展循环经济概述

    Summary on Developing Recycle Economy in Industrial Ecological Garden in Lubei Chemical Group

  13. 鲁北地震危险区地震灾害快速评估系统

    Rapid evaluating systems of seismic disasters in seismic risk region of North Shandong

  14. 鲁北滨海草场建立人工草地的耕作栽培措施

    The farming and cultivating measure of establishing artificial grassland in northern Shandong coastal grassland

  15. 鲁北生态工业园区案例研究

    A case study of North Shandong eco-industrial park

  16. 鲁北平原地下水同位素年龄及可更新能力评价

    Isotope Age of Groundwater in Lubei Plain and an Evaluation of Its Renewable Capacity

  17. 鲁北平原地下水资源开发利用及保护对策

    Countermeasures of Exploitation , Utilization and Protection of Groundwater resources in the North Shandong Plain

  18. 鲁北地区玉米螟发生特点及气象因子影响分析

    Analysis of Corn Borer Characteristics and Weather Factor Influence in the North of Shandong Province

  19. 鲁北平原含水系统划分及地下水循环条件研究

    Division of Water - bearing System and Study on Underground Circle Condition in LuBei Plain

  20. 鲁北贝壳滩脊沉积特征及发育环境分析

    Characteristics and evolution of sedimentary environment of shell ridge in the coast north of Shandong Province

  21. 鲁北和鲁西南地区古近纪盆地沉积特征与控制因素探讨

    Sedimentary Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Basins in the North Shandong and Southwest Shandong in Palaeogene

  22. 波尔山羊、鲁北白山羊及杂交羊的群体遗传结构分析

    Analysis on the Genetic Structure of Boer Goat , Lubei White Goat and Hybrid Goat Populations

  23. 利用环境同位素信息识别鲁北平原地下水的补给特征

    Recognition of ground water supplying features for northern Shandong plain , China using environmental isotope information

  24. 鲁北贝壳滩脊沉积及发育演化研究

    The Outer Beach The Sedimentary Characteristics and Evolution of Shell Ridge , North Coast of Shandong Province

  25. 目的调查分析鲁北地区绦虫病与囊虫病的流行情况。

    Objective To understand epidemiologic status of taeniasis and cysticercosis in the north area of Shangdong Province .

  26. 鲁北平原地温分布的特点及地热资源开发利用的前景鲁北新生代隐伏火山岩及其石油地质意义

    The characteristics of the geotemperature distribution and the prospects of utilization of geothermal resources in the plain of northern Shandong Province

  27. 鲁北地区引黄灌区持续发展的工程改造模式探讨

    Study on the Water Works Improvement Pattern of Sustainable Development in the Irrigated Area Diverting from Yellow River of North Shandong

  28. 鲁北地区麦秸盖田对夏玉米需水量、作物系数及水分利用效率的影响

    Effects of Mulching Farm of Wheat Straw on CWS and CC and WUE of Summer Corn in North of Shandong Province

  29. 位于鲁北地区的寿光蔬菜基地,是我国北方冬季重要的蔬菜供应地之一。

    Shouguang Vegetable base located in the North of Shandong Province is one of important vegetable provider in north area of China .

  30. 鲁北沿海蝗区蝗虫天敌蜘蛛类群发生规律初探

    Study on Occurring Pattern of Spider Category , the Predator of Locust in the Coastal Locust Area on North of Shandong Province