
mín yònɡ jī chǎnɡ
  • civil airport
  1. LED显示技术在民用机场中的应用

    The Application of LED Display Technique in Civil Airport

  2. 为提高国内民用机场供油系统的自动化水平,采用DCS(DIstributedControlSystem)的原理和方法设计并实现机场供油自动化系统。

    In order to enhance the automatic level of civil airport refueling system , the principle and method of DCS ( distributed control system ) was applied to design and realize airport refueling automatic systems .

  3. 采用DEA对中国民用机场运行的相对有效性进行了评价。

    The paper presents a DEA approach to evaluate the efficiency of Chinese commercial airports .

  4. 使用DEA(数据包络分析)中的Malmquist生产力指数分析方法对我国民用机场的运营效率进行了分析。

    The paper firstly analyses the operating efficiency of china civil airports by using Malmquist TFP index of DEA .

  5. 在国际上虽然少数人用DEA对民用机场运行做了评价,但因其采用的机场投入与产出指标不合适,使评价结果的准确性受到限制。

    Though a few people have evaluated airport operations by using the DEA method abroad , the accuracy of their evaluation results are limited because the airport input and output indexes they use are not suitable .

  6. 面向对象思想在民用机场危险源辨识中的应用

    The Application of Object-oriented Method to Hazard Identification in Civil Airport

  7. 航空百年民用机场的建设和发展

    Centennial of Aviation & Construction and Development of Civil Airports

  8. 中国民用机场投资指标体系研究

    Study on the Investment Indicators System for Our Civil Airports

  9. 首都机场于1958年3月2日投入使用,是中国首个投入使用的民用机场。

    Beijing Airport was opened on March 2 , 1958 .

  10. 民用机场建设项目推行无标底招标的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration in Promotion of Non-base-price Bidding in Civil Airport Construction

  11. 截至2006年底,中国共拥有147个民用机场。

    By the end of 2006 , China had 147 civilian airports .

  12. 民用机场目视助航设施施工及验收规范

    Code for construction and acceptance of civil airport visual aids

  13. 我国民用机场航空噪声影响现状及原因分析

    Present Situation of Domestic Civil Airports Noise Impact and Analysis of Causes

  14. 民用机场沥青混凝土道面施工技术规范

    Technical code for asphalt concrete pavement construction of civil airports

  15. 对民用机场和军用机场水泥混凝土道面设计规范的分析

    Analysis about Cement Concrete Pavements Design Specifications of Civil and Military Airports

  16. 方法巴塘民用机场实地调研;

    Methods Field research was conducted at Batang civil airport ;

  17. 作业成本法在国内民用机场的应用

    Application of Activity - based Costing in Domestic Civil Airports

  18. 攀枝花民用机场场区高填方边坡稳定性研究

    Research on stability of high fill slope of Panzhihua Airport

  19. 民用机场分为运输机场和通用机场。

    Civil airports include transport airports and general airports .

  20. 民用机场的投资指标体系与投资决策

    Investment Index System and Investment Decision for Civil Airports

  21. 民用机场供油工程建设技术规范

    Technical code for construction of civil airport fuel system

  22. 对民用机场战时保障有关问题的探讨

    An Exploration into Wartime Supporting Problems of Civilian Airports

  23. 民用机场的建造是用飞机来运送旅客和货物。

    Commercial airports are designed to transfer passengers and freight to and from aircraft .

  24. 民用机场扩建供电增容问题的探讨

    Exploration of Remoulding Problem on old Civil Airport

  25. 核电厂、大型发电厂、民用机场、大型港口;

    Nuclear power plant , large power plant , civil airports and large wharves ;

  26. 国外民用机场管理模式和政策

    Management Mode and Policy of Foreign Airport

  27. 计算民用机场刚性道面面层厚度的疲劳消耗方法

    A Method of Computing Rigid Pavement Slab Thickness for Civil Airport Based on Fatigue Damage

  28. 中国民用机场规划布局的战略性思考

    Strategic Thinking of China Civil Airports Deployment

  29. 民用机场转型与机场业务的特许经营

    Franchise Operating of Civil Airport Business

  30. 试论民用机场规划与管理

    Planning and Management of Civil Airports