
shí jiē
  • food street
食街[shí jiē]
  1. 你可以到食街去吃一次狗不理包子。

    You can go to food street to enjoy Goubuli steamed dumpling .

  2. 绝对是广州的‘地下潮地’,还有许多的港式茶餐厅再加上中华广场食街,吃喝玩乐一条龙。

    Martyrs'Park : update mall under the ground , Hong Kong style canteens , Food Street at China Plaza * An entertainment place to have fun , eat and drinks .

  3. 我推荐天一角食街,那儿的小吃非常出名。

    I recommend tian-yi-jiao food-street . it 's famous for wenzhou 's snacks .

  4. 《亚洲为食街》走访亚洲不同地区城市,发掘美味、有趣及新奇的街头小食。

    World Caf é Asia features destinations packed with delicious , interesting and sometimes downright strange street food !

  5. 特里斯坦开业的时候,东大街最多只有几家慈善商店;现在,当地人称它为‘食街’,因为这里有很多好吃的餐厅。

    When Tristan opened , East Street was little more than a few charity shops ; now the locals call it ' Eat Street ' [ because ] there are so many good restaurants there .