
  • 网络Xindi;new land;sundae;Shinchi
  1. 浑浊的弗林特河在一排排松树和爬满藤萝的水橡树中间悄悄地流着,像一条弯屈的胳臂走过杰拉尔德的那片新地,从两侧环抱着它。

    The Flint River , running silently between walls of pine and water oak covered with vines , wrapped about Gerald 's new land like a curving arm and it on two sides . To Gerald , standing on the small

  2. 香港政府垄断着该地区用于房地产开发的新地供应,其传统的供应策略是在房价较低时暂停土地拍卖,然后在房价被认为过高时拍卖大量土地。

    The government has a monopoly over the availability of new land for property development in the region and its traditional , supply-side approach is to halt land sales when prices are low and then sell a lot of land when prices are considered too high .

  3. 在新天新地到来的时候。

    When there is a new heaven and a new earth .

  4. 但上天,你是否从新地考验我呢?

    But God , I challenge you to the new ?

  5. 新地会将以作品的内容意义创意及难度进行评审。

    Submissions will be judged on their meaning , creativity and difficulty .

  6. 论文以崭新地思路研究了船舶工业市场结构。

    First of all , the shipbuilding market structure is studied in the thesis .

  7. 一次完美的破茧化蝶&苏州阳光新地·香格里拉酒店设计有感

    Broken a Perfect Cocoon & Design Thoughts of Suzhou New Sunshine Land Shangri-La Hotel

  8. 约翰于是看到一个新天新地诞生了。

    John then sees a new heaven and a new earth come into being .

  9. 何时会收到新地会会讯?

    When will I receive the club newsletter ?

  10. 适应新地点迫使你更多的关注你周围的环境。

    Adapting to new locations forces you to pay more attention to your environment .

  11. 每天都是暂新地(许巍?),因为总有人是第一次来到你的网站。

    Assume that every day is the beginning , because you always have new readers .

  12. 明天是新地一天句号。

    Tomorrow will be a new day .

  13. 新地里遗址位于浙江省桐乡市留良乡湾里村。

    Xindili site is located at Wanli Village , Liuliang Town , Tongxiang City of Zhejiang Province .

  14. 问题2.为什么新天新地的圣城里不需要太阳来照亮?

    Q. Why is it not necessary for sun and moon to shine on the new Jerusalem ?

  15. 由于土地资源的稀缺性,近几年来土地价格水涨船高,不断有新地王诞生。

    Because of scarcity of land resources , land prices hit one after another records in recent years .

  16. 我们放眼四望,但见一派新天新地,生机盎然,变动不居,日新月异。

    We look round in a new world , full of life , and motion , and ceaseless progress .

  17. 可是,我们却按照他的应许,等候正义常住在其中的新天新地。

    But we look for new heavens and a new earth according to his promises , in which justice dwelleth .

  18. 新地心理健康工程保留更改活动细节之权利,及可在任何时间拒绝接受申请。

    SHKP Mental Health Alliance reserves the right to change the programme and reject an enrolment at any point in time .

  19. 但我们照他的应许,盼望新天新地,有义居在其中。

    Nevertheless we , according to his promise , look for new heavens and a new earth , wherein dwelleth righteousness .

  20. 洪仁批驳了异端杂教之邪说,主张建立一个新天新地新世界新人心的俗厚风淳的社会,并把这一主张付诸实践。

    By criticizing the heresies in religion , Hong Ren-gan holds that a completely new society be established and be improved .

  21. 第19-22节:天堂的欢乐,魔鬼被扔进一个无底的深渊,一个新天新地。

    Chapter 19-22 : Rejoicing in heaven , the devil thrown into a bottomless pit , a new heaven and new earth .

  22. 彼后三13但我们照他的应许,期待新天新地,有义居住在其中。

    Pet . 3:13 But according to His promise we are expecting new heavens and a new earth , in which righteousness dwells .

  23. 但当她看着她地电脑,她看见它啦,有人在打印啦一个新地故事。

    But when she looked at her computer , she saw it was on , and someone had typed in a new story .

  24. 根据青藏高原隆升的数值模型,利用最新地磁极性资料重新计算了高原隆升随时间的变化。

    The time-variation of its uplift was recalculated by using new geomagnetic polarity data on basis of numeric model of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau rising .

  25. 同时,风险承担者不断地需要新的特性,因此就需要新地开发研究。

    At the same time , new features are constantly being requested by stakeholders , so there is always a need for new development .

  26. 新地员工关顾组经理胡子翔表示倾心热线照顾员工及其家属的需要,平衡工作与家庭生活面对的压力及情绪困扰。

    SHKP manager-staff caring Philip Wu says that the hearty hotline helps staff and their families balance work and personal life and address emotional problems .

  27. 每个人在自己的家庭和老朋友中间都扮演着固定的角色,而移居新地可以让你有机会过新的生活。

    Everyone plays an established role with his or her families and old friends , and moving somewhere new gives you an opportunity to reboot .

  28. 还有些地方我也不能看都不看,一翻而过,那就是书中提到的拉普兰、西伯利亚、斯匹次卑尔根群岛、新地岛、冰岛和格陵兰荒凉的海岸。

    Nor could I pass unnoticed the suggestion of the bleak shores of Lapland , Siberia , Spitzbergen , Nova Zembla , Iceland , Greenland ,

  29. 主啊,感谢祢应许叫万物更新,又应许在新天新地中与我们同住。

    Lord , we thank you for your promise to make all things new and for the promise to live with us on the new earth .

  30. 看哪,我造新天新地,从前的事不再被记念,也不再追想。

    For , behold , I create new heavens and a new earth : and the former shall not be remembered , nor come into mind .