
xīn jiāo tōng xì tǒng
  • New transportation system;new traffic system
新交通系统[xīn jiāo tōng xì tǒng]
  1. 日本的城市新交通系统-AGT

    The New City Transportation System in Japan-AGT

  2. 一个新交通系统,常因为加宽车行道而增加了道路的面积,以致增加了养护费用。

    A new highway system will normally increase the area of carriageway and hence the cost of maintenance .

  3. 自行车交通作为一种绿色、环保、低碳的交通方式,必然成为新城区交通系统的重要组成部分。

    As a kind of green , environmentally friendly , low carbon modes of transportation , bicycle will inevitably become an important component of New Town traffic system .

  4. 游客和市民们一样都能享受美丽广州改良后新的交通系统和设施,如体育馆、博物馆和新式的歌剧院。

    Visitors and citizens alike will enjoy a beautified Guangzhou with new and improved transportation systems and facilities , such as stadiums , museums , and a striking new opera house .

  5. 网络型都市综合交通系统的规划探索&以现代新昆明综合交通系统规划概要为例

    Study on the Comprehensive Transportation Planning for the Network-City

  6. 英国新空中交通管理系统发展动向

    The Developing Trend of British New ATC System

  7. 论文主要针对重庆城市交通发展中一种解决城市交通的新方式巴士快速交通系统(BUSRAPIDTRANSIT简称BRT)进行研究。

    This paper focus on a new kind of solution to the city transit in the development process of Chongqing City , this is called BUS RAPID TRANSIT , BRT for short .

  8. A还将有新的地铁和交通系统。

    A And there will be new metro and transport systems .

  9. 新(交通灯)系统预计可用十年。

    The new system has an estimated lifespan of10 years .

  10. 新一代道路交通系统&ITS的研究现状与发展

    New Generation Road Traffic System ─ Development of ITS

  11. 城里有建造一个新的快速轨道交通系统的计划。

    There are plans to build a new rapid transit system in the city .

  12. 智能交通系统(ITS)是随着道路交通需求和现代高新科技的发展而发展起来的,是正在研究开发的新一代道路交通系统。

    ITS is a new road traffic system under research and exploitation , developing with the modern demand of road traffic and high-new science and technology .

  13. 乍一看这更像一辆未来派风格的豪华轿车,不过它实际的身价更平易近人:这辆超级巴士是荷兰代夫特理工大学开发的新一代公共交通系统。

    It looks rather like a futuristic stretch limousine , but its actual function is rather more populist : the Superbus is a novel public-transport system being developed in the Netherlands by the Delft University of technology .

  14. 而且到时将有新的地铁线路和新的交通系统开始运行。

    B and there will be new metro lines and transport systems .