
A Brief Introduction of Western Architecture in China before Opium War
A Research on Western Architecture on the Campus of Southeast University
Wandering everywhere in Jinan , you can see many western architectures with different styles .
Although many traditional buildings still exist , almost all new buildings are built in Western style .
All these were the previous western architecture in China , as well as gave the way for architectural culture exchange .
The western architecture always provide popular styles from Europe , such as Neoclassicism , Eclectic , and Romanticism styles among others .
The modern western-style architectures of Xi an influenced by western architecture are the epitome of westernization of Xi an modern architecture .
But concealment was not used simply to communicate that nothing Western could mar the harmony of the main garden ; it was used to create surprises as well .
Because of the impact of early colonial architecture and the Western buildings the natives in Xi ' an were beginning to accept the Western-style buildings , and gradually advocate and imitate them , the western style buildings were also built in this period .
Construction teams and real estate companies . Landlocked Xi ' an Modern buildings are still part of the continuation of the traditional architectural style , but due to the influence of Western architecture , most of the buildings present the characteristics of Chinese and Western .
The landscaping and many of the buildings are traditional Chinese , but the campus also boasts many Western-style edifices , such as the quad and auditorium : T. Chuang , the university 's