
  • 网络IFS;Food Standard;BRC
  1. 与世界接轨-2005年中国食品标准发展计划

    Connecting with the world - The food standard developing plan in 2005

  2. 本文简述了我国绿色标准体系的现状、存在的问题和如何改进现有的绿色食品标准。

    This article summarized the present situation , the existing problem and the suggestions on the green food standard system of China .

  3. 政府吝啬被指责是食品标准下降的原因。

    Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards .

  4. CAC食品标准体系对我国食品安全标准体系的启示

    The advice of China 's food safety standard system inspired by the CAC food standard system

  5. 英国食品标准局(FoodStandardsAgency)2月14日表示,生产商BernardMatthews已暂时同意,停止向零售商供应含原产于匈牙利的冷冻肉产品。

    The Food Standards Agency on the 14th Feb said that producer Bernard Matthews had agreed temporarily to stop supplying retailers with frozen products containing Hungarian meat .

  6. 英国食品标准局(FSA)如今没有建议人们要特别地不吃高含丙烯酰胺的食品。

    The FSA does not currently advise that people should specifically try to avoid foods high in acrylamide .

  7. BRC全球食品标准

    Benefits of the BRC Global Standard ? Food

  8. 在食物中添加三聚氰胺,未有FAO(联合国粮农组织)或WHO(世界卫生组织)食品标准委员会之准许,亦无任何国家当局之批准。

    Addition of melamine into food is not approved by the FAO / WHO Codex Alimentarius ( food standard commission ), or by any national authorities .

  9. 评价草案将指出那些组织在一些特定要求上违背brc全球食品标准的地方。

    The evaluation protocol provides the specific requirements for those organizations involved with evaluation against the BRC Global standard ?

  10. 2008年,英国食品标准局发现包括HulaHoops,RyvitaandPringles这一系列加工食品中有高含量的丙烯酰胺。

    In2008 the UK Food Standards Agency found high levels of acrylamide in a range of processed foods including Hula Hoops , Ryvita and Pringles .

  11. ITN记者菲尔·史密斯:食品标准局指出,这项研究的目的是要让民众在知情的情况下做选择,但也对有机食品较目的价格提出了质疑。

    PHIL REAY SMITH , ITN REPORTER : The FSA say the findings are intended to help people make an informed choice , but they also call into question the higher price of organic food .

  12. 生物、食品标准物质发展近况

    Recent advances on standard substance in living things and food

  13. 中国将多婴幼儿食品标准实施更严格的限制。

    China to impose stricter limits on infant foods .

  14. 中美有机食品标准对垒阵前出口又将增壁垒

    Export will have new trade barriers in Chinese and the US organic food standards

  15. 英国食品标准署的发言人说:法律是明确的。

    A spokesperson for the Food Standards Agency said : The law is clear .

  16. 罐头食品标准与入关

    Canned Food Standards and Joining the WTO

  17. 英国食品标准局称,孕妇每周需要进食两次鱼类食物。

    Pregnant women should eat fish twice a week , says the Food Standards Agency .

  18. 我国的食品标准低、数量少、空白点多,不适应食品安全的需要。

    The food standards of China are lowlevel , and inadequate and fail to comply with safety need .

  19. 加快我国食品标准制修订工作必要性的探讨

    Exploration on the Necessity of the Expedition for Revision of the National Food Standards in View of CAC

  20. 在今年的年会上,委员会将审议供采用的若干食品标准草案。

    At this year 's annual meeting , the Commission is considering several draft food standards for adoption .

  21. 报告中还强调了英国食品标准局在2009年所完成的主要工作,以及在事件处理上的相关改进措施。

    The report also highlights the work the Agency did in2009 to review and improve its handling of incidents .

  22. 但是,食品标准局9月份拒绝了发布有关强调这些益处的官方指导原则的请求。

    In September , however , the Food Standards Agency refused pleas to issue official guidance highlighting these benefits .

  23. 同时,新法整合食品标准、废除免检制度、确立惩罚性赔偿制度。

    The latest Law further states the food criteria , abolishes the system of exemption and establishes the system of punitive damages .

  24. 该中心还表示,将于2015年年底前,完善对5000项食品标准的清理和整合工作。

    In addition , clarification and consolidation of 5,000 food standards will be completed before the end of 2015 , the center said .

  25. 这些“非关税壁垒”,特别是食品标准,不仅往往比单纯的关税壁垒更为重要,也更难以消除。

    Such " non-tariff barriers " , particularly food standards , are frequently both more important and harder to eliminate than simple tariffs .

  26. 通过分析我国食品标准工作的现状及存在的问题,提出了我国现阶段标准化工作的应对措施。

    This paper brings forward the countermeasures for our standardization work by analyzing the actuality and existing problems in the work of food standardization .

  27. 统一功能食品标准促进功能食品研究与开发(一)&关于功能食品的定义、分类和承载基质

    Unification of functional food standard to promote research and development of functional foods ( I ) & Definition , classification , texture of functional foods

  28. 当英国广告标准委员会禁止有机产品有益健康的声明时,食品标准局始终站在怀疑者的阵营。

    The Food Standards Agency has long held a sceptical line , while the Advertising Standards Authority has banned organic producers from making health claims .

  29. 昨晚,英国政府与英国食品标准局联合宣布,将就汉堡与其他加工肉制品的真实性展开一项全国范围的调查。

    Last night the Government and the Food Standards Agency announced a UK wide survey into the authenticity of burgers and other processed meat products .

  30. 经无火焰原子吸收检测,纳米银淀粉膜涂膜海参中银含量为0.177mg/kg,符合国内外相关食品标准。

    Detecting with the non-flame atomic absorption , the content of silver was 0.177 mg / kg on the sea cucumber with nano-silver starch film .