
  1. 对于腰腿疼痛、四肢麻木、半身不遂、筋骨酸困以及妇女产前产后一般风症有特殊疗效。

    For lumbar and leg pain , numbness of limbs , hemiplegia , bones and tendons , as well as acid trapped before and after pregnancy in general the wind has special curative effects on patients .

  2. 我不能像过去那样四处走动&都是这可恨的风温症。

    I can 't get around like I used to & it 's this accursed rheumatism !

  3. 头晕眼花是风偏重的症象,是风元素被激发的症象。

    Giddiness or lightheadedness is a sign of too much wind property , a sign that the wind property has been provoked .

  4. 目的:肩周炎又称漏肩风、肩凝症、冻结肩或五十肩,是中老年人的一种常见病,多发生在50岁左右,女性多于男性。

    Objective : Scapulohumeral periarthritis , so called shoulder wind , frozen shoulder or 50rs ' shoulder , is a common disease seen in the middle-aged and old people in the age about 50rs which happened more in woman than man .