
  • 网络Wind Tower;tower of the winds;Tower of Winds
  1. 通过采取消声、吸声、隔声等综合治理措施,使3排风塔噪声对周边环境的夜间影响由65.7dB(A)降为50.2dB(A)。

    This paper introduces some synthesis control steps such as noise elimination , sound absorption and sound insulation and so on . And these steps have made the environmental influence of the 3 # wind tower reduce from 65.7dB ( A ) to 50.2dB ( A ) .

  2. 研究结果可作为风塔选型的参考。

    The simulation results can be used as a reference for wind tower designing .

  3. 澳方于2019年对自中国进口的铁道轮毂、风塔分别采取或延长反倾销措施,于2020年对自中国进口的不锈钢水槽延长反倾销和反补贴措施。

    China lodged steel sinks . Australia adopted or extended anti-dumping measures on railway wheels and wind towers imported from China in 2019 , and extended anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures targeting stainless steel sinks imported from China in 2020 .

  4. UmbertoEco的粉丝不会走近风塔,因为这会来带情感负担。

    NO UMBERTO ECO fan should go near the Tower of Winds : it could bring on sensory overload .

  5. 一些泥砖屋和风塔已改装为画廊和餐厅。

    A few have been turned into galleries and restaurants .

  6. 风塔,罗马安哥拉,古安哥拉遗址,雅典,希腊。

    Tower of the Winds , Roman Agora , Athens , Greece .

  7. 风塔焊接工艺

    Welding procedure of wind - power tower

  8. 您认为风塔是否有必要和其他建筑合建,以改善景观效果?

    Is it necessary to Co-build tunnel tower with nearby buildings in order to improve environmental landscape ?

  9. 结合当代建筑的实例,概括出应用这种原理具体的设计模式和方法:天井中庭、太阳能烟囱、呼吸式双层幕墙和环境风塔等。

    With several instances in modern architecture , the paper summarized the specific designing mode and method by using this principle in the modern architectural creations such as .

  10. 随着工业制造的高速发展,高效焊接已经成为焊接发展方向,特别是风塔、造船、钢构、焊管等中厚板场合,进一步提高焊接效率已经成为焊接行业面对的重要课题。

    High-productive welding has become the trend of welding technology , with the rapid development of industrial manufacturing , especially in wind towers , ship building , steel , plate and other occasions . So how to further improve the welding efficiency has become a focus in the welding industry .

  11. 结果表明,采用风塔排放,虽然地面污染物浓度能满足环境空气质量要求,但风塔排放口附近的污染物浓度仍超标,对周围高层建筑有一定影响。

    The results show that when wind tower is used , even though the pollutants concentration near ground satisfy the requirements for air quality ocntrol , the pollutants concentration near the top of the wind tower won ′ t meet the standard , which may affect the surrounding high buildings .

  12. 考虑参数频变特性的风机塔体雷电暂态计算考虑磁饱和影响的同步发电机励磁电流计算

    Lightning Transients of Wind Turbine Towers Involving Frequency-dependent Characteristics Field Current Calculation of Synchronous Generators Taking into Account the Magnetic Saturation

  13. 风机在塔类设备化学清洗中的应用

    Application research of blower in the chemical cleaning of tower equipment

  14. 横向风对冷却塔运行特性的影响

    The Effect of Horizontal Wind on the Performance of Natural Draught Cooling Towers

  15. 但是,由于风切变和塔影效应的影响,传统的统一变桨距系统具有一定的缺陷。

    But , because of the effect of wind shear and tower shadow , it has the defect of the collecting variable-pitch system .

  16. 风荷载是塔桅结构这类高耸建筑结构设计中必须考虑的重要荷载。

    Wind load is a kind of important loads to the tower and mast structure , and it is indispensable in the structure design .

  17. 在考虑风切变和塔影效应的情况下,对采用独立变桨距控制策略的机组载荷进行模拟仿真研究,并与统一变桨距控制策略进行对比分析。

    The loads of wind turbine using individual pitch control strategy are simulated under wind shear and tower shadow and compare with collective pitch control strategy .

  18. 杭州市地铁与城市道路干线重合段地面风亭冷却塔噪声环境影响评价标准的研讨与诠释

    An investigation into environmental impact assessment criteria for the noise of ventilation pavilion and cooling tower along the overlapping sections of metros and main roads in hangzhou city

  19. 从风力机获取能量角度出发,充分考虑风剪切与塔影效应,精确推导出作用于下风向风力机风轮扫掠面积上理论风功率的计算式。

    The power expression by the wind passing through the rotor swept area of back wind direction wind turbine is accurately deduced from energy viewpoint based on wind shear and tower shadow effect .

  20. 在运行环境中,由于风切变、塔影效应、阵风以及变桨和偏航调节的影响,风力机的气动特性是高度非定常的。

    In the operating environment , due to wind shear , tower shadow effect , gusts , pitch control and yaw regulation , the aerodynamic characteristics of the wind turbine are highly unsteady .

  21. 模拟了横向风对冷却塔热力特性和飘水损失的影响;提出了沿塔周设置回流槽的措施,以减少飘水损失。

    This paper simulates the effect of crosswind on the thermal performance of wet cooling tower and puts forward a feasibility advice of fixing back flow canal around the tower to reduce the water loss .

  22. 本塔与其他同类塔相比,具有整塔结构稳定、阻力低、配水配风均匀、塔型结构完善、耐腐蚀性能好、检修和运行安全等特点。

    In comparison with other similar towers , this tower is characterized by stable whole structure , low resistance , uniform distribution of water and wind , improved tower type and structure , good corrosion resistant , safe to maintenance and operation .

  23. 风能具有不稳定的特点,由于风剪切、塔影和湍流等因素的影响,风速在风轮平面内呈不均匀分布,从而使风力机产生不平衡的气动载荷。

    Instability is the characteristics of the wind energy , due to the factors such as wind shear , tower shadow and turbulence , wind speed in the wind wheel plane is uneven distribution , causing the aerodynamic loads of wind turbine imbalance .

  24. 脉动风作用下电视塔桅杆结构TMD控制的惯性质量与位置优化

    Optimum Design of Mass and Distribution of TMD Systems for TV Tower under Fluctuating Wind

  25. 在控制工厂二层楼顶的风机群及冷却塔群的噪声工程中,复式隔声屏获18dB(A)的降噪效果。

    The engineer controlled noise from fans and cooling towers set on the top of building 's second story within a factory . An complex screen of sound insulation acquired effect 18dB ( A ) .

  26. 风荷载是单管塔最重要的水平荷载。

    Wind load is the most important one of the single-pole-tower .

  27. 横向风对湿式冷却塔热力特性影响数值研究

    Numerical Study of Crosswind Effect on wet Cooling Tower Thermal Performance

  28. D4.7m风机砼冷却塔的改造

    Reconstruction of 4.7 m exhaust fan and concrete cooling tower

  29. 浅析风机扩散器&塔效率与风机能量利用率关系

    Analyzing of the relationship between fan diffuser-tower efficiency and energy utilization ratio

  30. 风荷载是输电塔结构承受的主要水平荷载之一,在风荷载作用下,结构的动力效应十分显著。

    The dynamic effect of transmission tower is remarkable under the wind load .