
  • 网络Wind Power Generation Equipment;wind power installation
  1. 因此针对风力发电设备的维修需要更为有效地维修策略。

    Therefore , more effective maintenance strategy is badly needed for the maintenance of wind power generation equipment .

  2. 随着大量风力发电设备不断建设,风电接入电网的传输问题也日趋显得重要起来。

    With the continued construction of large wind power generation equipment , wind power transmission is becoming increasingly important .

  3. 英国大约一半的海上风力发电设备是由这家丹麦公司安装的。

    The Danish company has installed about half this country 's offshore wind capacity .

  4. G公司是一家专业生产风力发电设备的欧洲企业,世界著名风力发电设备供应商。

    Company G is a European wind power generating equipment manufacturer , one of renowned wind power facilities and service provider world wide .

  5. 风力发电设备生产商苏司兰能源公司(SuzlonEnergy)去年在天津设立了一家投资6亿美元的工厂。

    Suzlon Energy , a wind power equipment producer , last year opened a $ 600m plant in Tianjin .

  6. CVTC公司是总部位于法国的CVT集团在中国的全资子公司,为集团在中国的变频器业务,尤其是风力发电设备业务提供生产、销售及相关服务支持。

    CVTC is a WOFE owned by CVT Group which is a global company based in France . CVTC provides manufacturing , sales and services support of convertor business , especially for the wind power business in China .

  7. 风力发电设备常用材料的耐盐雾腐蚀性能研究

    Research on corrosion resistance of materials for wind power equipment by salt spray tests

  8. 开发风力发电设备的战略及途径分析

    Strategy and way of developing wind power equipment

  9. 海上风力发电设备的运输与安装需要较高的技术支持,由具有可靠作业能力的船舶来完成。

    Transportation and installation of offshore wind power generation equipment requires high technical support and reliable operational capability of the ship to complete .

  10. 随着我国对可再生能源领域开发的深入,越来越多的国内外风力发电设备制造商和零部件供应商在中国发展壮大,随之而来的是设备整机及相关配套部件制造商之间的竞争日益激烈。

    More and more international and local wind energy equipment manufactures and component suppliers have got prominent growth along with deep development of regenerative energy field in China .

  11. 天津龙驰公司的业务领域主要涉及:石油化工设备、工业过程控制设备、自动检测设备、风力发电设备、食品机械、泵、阀、密封等;

    Our main business fields are : petrochemical equipment , process control equipment , auto-detect instrument , wind-energy parts , food machine , pump , valve , and sealing .

  12. 然后对影响风力发电设备发展战略的外部环境,包括自然环境、宏观经济环境、产业政策环境、竞争状况等因素进行分析。

    Then it analyzes the outer environment which influences development of the strategy of Harbin car builder . It includes the natural environment , macro economical environment , industry policy , competition , and so on .

  13. 风力发电设备优化选型与电价关系的分析提高风力机叶型气动性能是发展大型风力发电设备的重要需求。

    Analysis on relation between optimum type selection of wind power generating apparatus and power rate To improve aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blade profiles is the key to increase the efficiency of wind turbine and to develop industry of wind energy .

  14. 在基于制造的行业(在这些行业,企业是通过解决工程问题来创新)中,麦肯锡发现,中国企业占据全球铁路设备收入的41%,占据风力发电设备收入的20%,但是在汽车和商用航空等行业占据的收入份额小得不成比例。

    In engineering-based industries , where companies innovate by solving engineering problems , it found Chinese companies generated 41 per cent of global railway equipment revenues and 20 per cent of those for wind power but a disproportionately small share of revenue in areas such as autos and commercial aviation .

  15. 变速恒频风力发电成套设备的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Variable-speed and Constant-frequency Wind Power Generation System

  16. 风力发电厂设备调试过程管理与研究

    Process Management and Research of the Wind Power Plant Equipment Debugging Process

  17. 中国还有大量的风力发电机组设备。

    It also has large wind turbine facilities .

  18. 风电场由风力发电机组等设备组成,是一种典型的多域异构信息环境。

    Wind farm which made up of wind turbines and other equipments , is a typical multi-domain heterogeneous information environment .

  19. 这些暂态过电压将对风力发电机组及其输变电设备的正常运行造成影响。

    These transient overvoltages can affect the normal operation of wind turbines and other power equipments .

  20. 风能是可再生清洁能源,但对于风力发电,在发电设备制造和风力发电场的建设过程中,会对环境产生污染和破坏。

    Wind energy is a renewable and clean energy source ; however , the manufacture of wind power generating units and the construction of wind power plants will pollute and damage the environment .

  21. 本文首先分析了国内外风电产业及技术的发展动态,然后针对莱州电网现状和风力资源情况,研究了风力发电的主要设备的比较选择与布置。

    The article first analyzes the development status of domestic and international wind power industry and technology , then analyzes the status and wind power resources in Laizhou , and research the selection of major equipment on laizhou project .

  22. 提高风力机叶型气动性能是发展大型风力发电设备的重要需求。

    To improve aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blade profiles is the key to increase the efficiency of wind turbine and to develop industry of wind energy .

  23. 我国的海上风力发电技术刚刚起步,开发设计适合我国海域特点,并具有自主知识产权的海上风力发电设备,对我国的风力发电技术及能源战略具有重大意义。

    It is of strategic meaning to develop offshore wind power facilities of independent intellectual property rights which are well suited to our sea features .