
fù jiā wù
  • Additives;appendage;add-on;accessories;annex;continuation;appurtenance;inset
  1. 文中还指出Ca~(2+)是这种用于固体钠/硫电池系统的Na-β-Al2O3隔膜的一种十分有害的附加物。

    In addition , it points out that calcium ion is a very harmful additive for this sodium & alumina insulater in solid Na / S battery system .

  2. PicoContainer不构建而且也不尝试构建附加物,而是选择让开放源码项目为其提供服务。

    PicoContainer doesn 't build the extras and doesn 't try , preferring to let open source projects provide the services for them .

  3. 在Objective-C中有一个惯例通过在实现文件中定义一个类别为一个类提供了私有的方法;通过使用链式模版这将是相关简单的附加物。

    There is a convention in Objective-C to provide private methods on a class by defining a category within the implementation file ; this could be a relatively simple addition by using chained templates .

  4. 对根癌农杆菌介导的玉米基因转化中包括外植体、基本培养基及其附加物、共培养温度、信号分子与vir基因的活化的几个关键因素研究进展作了论述。

    Researching progress of several key factors that maize gene transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens were reviewed , including explant , base-medium and supplementary , co-culture temperature , signal molecular and Vir gene activation ?

  5. 把一臭虫固定在有魔力附加物水平的决定上。

    Fixed a bug in the determination of magic affix levels .

  6. 用计算法判定型砂中附加物的有效含量

    Determination of Effective Content of the Additives in Mould sand by Calculation

  7. 附加物对树脂砂增韧作用的研究

    On Toughening of the Cold-setting Resin Sand with Additions

  8. 附加物对改善陶瓷型溃散性的作用

    The Effect of Additives to-Improving Collapsibility of Ceramic Mold

  9. 做好事不是附加物,而是美满生活的核心。

    Doing good is not an add on but central to leading a rewarding life .

  10. 把相同高度的幼苗接种于含不同附加物的培养基中生长;

    Select the same length of seeding inoculate in culture medium with different adjunction in growth .

  11. 生物多样性并不是一种附加物。

    Biodiversity is not an add-on .

  12. 身材、桌子的发表,附加物哪里可适用,以样子哪一是。

    Presentation of figures , tables , appendices where applicable , in a manner that is .

  13. 因此,它们通常是在单独的工件中被捕获,或者是作为用例规格的附加物。

    Hence , they are normally captured in separate artifacts or as annexes to the use-case specifications .

  14. 参考体系结构的另一个有价值的附加物是在项目随后实施过程中的经验描述。

    Another valuable addition to a reference architecture is a description of experiences in supporting applications following implementation .

  15. 与醇类,二醇类,丙三醇,尿素,甲酰胺各种浆液附加物进行反应时,在相言性方面是有选择性的。

    The reactions are selectively compatible with such diverse slurry additives as alcohols , glycols , glycerol , urea , formamide .

  16. 等同的现金支付为经营活动提供了较少地附加物,无形的资产和财产,厂房和设备。

    Equals Net cash provided by ( used in ) operating activities less Additions to intangible assets and property , plant and equipment .

  17. 首先出现了一种亭子,一个奇怪的附加物在机场终端,首先由大陆的航线在1995年引进了。

    First came the kiosk , a strange addition to airport terminals when Continental Airlines began offering it as a check-in option in1995 .

  18. 附加的人,附加物,以及其它,等等我要考虑的不仅仅是客人的食物--还有其他各种东西.

    It 's not just the food for the guests I have to think about there are all the etceteras as well . 8.widget

  19. 如果您认为您以后的改变将只是附加物的话,您可以从一开始就为您的设计简单的添加填充字段。

    If you think your future changes will only be additions , you could simple add filler fields to your design right from the beginning .

  20. 另外,阴影作为高分辨率航空影像的附加物,它可以提供地物的信息,但也严重影响了地物的提取和识别。

    In addition , shadows as the projection of objects , can provide information of man-made objects , but it also influences the extraction of objects .

  21. 附加物3的加入量以1%为宜。

    We may choose 5 % for the amount of the additive 2 . It is reasonable that the amount of additive 3 is 1 % .

  22. 在两种树脂砂中加入适量的氧化型附加物,可降低树脂的结焦值和树脂砂的热稳定性,改善树脂砂的容让性。

    Respectively to add additives to two type resin bonded sands may lower their coking value and conditional hot stability , and improve collapsibility of them .

  23. 空无附加物的船身可以用来当作一个单独的外观,留下另外两种外观在设计甲板和驾驶员座舱时用。

    Then the hull without the appendages can be used as a single surface , leaving two surfaces available for design of the deck and cockpit .

  24. 一个人可以使用光之语来解除这些讨厌的侵入以太体的契约,而以太体将会做出响应,释放掉相关附加物。

    One may utilize the language of light to dissolve the ownership signatures bored into the etheric body which will have the affect of releasing the associated attachment .

  25. 该规则要求在化妆品里使用彩色附加物的公司允许食品和药物管理局的检查员“自由出入”有关的工厂,否则将吊销其推销自己产品的许可证。

    It required companies using color additives in cosmetics to give FDA inspectors " free access " to their plants , on pain of losing their certification to market their products .

  26. 如果发现了问题,要么去重新再设计制造,要么去通过一些附加物去改善以求得妥协。

    If it is found a problem , the only choice is either to re-design and manufacturing , or to adopt some additional structures to improve in order to achieve a compromise .

  27. 装配很多附加物后,我们终于成功平衡机械人,现在它充满力量,虽然它的移动速度不快,可是我们有信心我们会得到胜利!

    After a lot of adding , we finally balanced it ! Now it has much power and is really hard to move , we just had this feeling we would win !

  28. 实验发现:1.盐胁迫、缺钾胁迫和盐钾耦合胁迫均降低了玉米幼苗的生长,影响了叶片表皮细胞附加物的形成。

    Salt stress , K + deficiency and the combined stresses of salt and K + deficiency decreased the growth of maize seedlings , affected the formation of the appendages of leaf epidermal cells .

  29. 其中有一项颇具创意的附加物:“服装师在成品中加入了空调,通过一台小型冷却装置让他保持清凉。”怀特说。

    There was one particularly novel addition : " The tailor who made the finished item revealed that they put air-conditioning inside of it , a little refrigeration unit to keep him cool , " said Wright .

  30. 就是:选择合适细度和烧结点的原砂、合适光亮碳含量的煤粉或一定量防粘砂的附加物。

    The method is to select the original sand with the suitable size and sintering temperature and the coal dust with the suitable amount of the bright carbon or to add a certain amount of additives preventing adhesive defects .