
  • 网络Procurement Risk;purchasing risk
  1. 经济全球化环境下的企业网络采购风险评价

    Network purchasing risk evaluation for a company under economic globalization environment

  2. 企业采购风险管理方法对采购绩效影响研究

    A Study of the Impact of Enterprise ' Purchasing Risk Managerial Techniques on Purchasing Performance

  3. 装备采购风险的BP神经网络评价模型

    Study on BP Neural Networks Model for Evaluating Equipment Acquisition Risk

  4. 首先,基于重要性与采购风险两个维度构建了零售业商品分类体系,运用AHP法确定了指标权重,以某零售企业的数据进行了实证分析。

    First of all , based on two dimensions of importance and risk , we construct the retail classification system . Then we use AHP to determine the index weight and make an empirical analysis with the data of a retail company .

  5. 石油长输管道总承包工程采购风险管理

    Procurement Risk Management in EPC Contract for Long-distance Oil Pipeline Project

  6. 电网企业电力物资采购风险管理

    Risk Management for Procurement of Electric Power Materials for Power Grid Enterprise

  7. 衡水市政府采购风险管理研究

    Research on Heng Shui City 's Government Procurement Risk Management

  8. 我国医疗设备采购风险及人员管理探讨

    Discussion on Risk in Medical Equipment Purchase and Personnel Management

  9. 电力建设企业采购风险的防范措施与应对策略

    Risk Countermeasures and Strategies for Power Construction Company Purchase

  10. 第2章工程项目采购风险管理的国内外研究现状。

    The research status at home and abroad of project procurement risk management .

  11. 卫生装备市场对采购风险的影响

    Influences of medical equipment market on purchase risk

  12. 第4章工程项目采购风险的识别与评价。

    Engineering project procurement risk identification and assessment .

  13. 跨越式发展下铁路客运技术装备采购风险模糊评价方法

    Fuzzy Evaluation of Purchasing Risks of Passenger Transport Technical Equipment in Railway Great-Leap-forward Development

  14. 企业采购风险具有客观性和多样性,加强对风险的控制意义重大。

    Enterprise purchase risk has objectivity and diversity . Strengthening risk control has significance .

  15. 从宏、微观两个层次提出了较详细的工程项目采购风险应对策略。第6章结论与展望。

    This part proposes detailed risk countermeasures from macro and micro levels respectively . 6 . Conclusions and prospects .

  16. 最后本文采用案例对政府采购风险管理的流程体系加以实践验证和说明。

    Finally , this article uses the case to prove and explain the processes system of government procurement risk management .

  17. 本文在分析采购风险类别的基础上,着重针对存量风险,提出了存量风险控制的一般策略;

    Based on analysis of purchase risk type , this paper has been directed against quantity risk proposing strategies of quantity risk control .

  18. 研究通信工程项目采购风险控制,对项目的顺利实施和成功交付起到重要作用。

    It , the research on Communication procurement risk control plays an important role in the smooth implementation of the project and the successful delivery .

  19. 根据电力物资采购风险的形成机理对风险进行分类,识别出主要的风险因素。

    In this paper , electric power material procurement risks are classified according to their formation mechanisms and the main risk factor is then identified .

  20. 结果:提出院内贷款、项目管理和系列的量化考评分析手段等多种降低和规避医疗设备采购风险的方法。

    Results Methods of how to avoid this risk was put forward , such as loan in hospital , project management and a series of check and analysis procedures .

  21. 因此,中国企业,尤其是电子制造企业有必要采取一定的采购风险管理方法,以减少或避免采购风险所带来的不利影响和损失,从而提高采购绩效,提升企业竞争力。

    So , Chinese enterprises , especially the electronic manufacture enterprises , have to take some techniques to manage purchasing risk , reduce or avoid its adverse effect , and improve purchasing performance .

  22. 虽然,企业越来越认识到降低采购风险以提高采购绩效的重要性,但国内外对采购风险管理方法与采购绩效之间关系的研究还存在很多不足。

    Although , people have recognized its importance , there are many shortcomings exist in the foreign and domestic studies of the relationships between the managerial techniques of purchasing risk and purchasing performance .

  23. 采购风险是指在采购过程中由于各种意外情况的出现使得采购的实际结果与预期目标相偏离的可能性和程度,其内容包括人为、自然和经济三个方面。

    Procurement risk means that the emergence of unforeseen circumstances makes the actual results of purchase deviate from the possibility and extent of the expected goals . Its contents include human , natural and economic .

  24. 第五章,主要从采购风险控制、战略成本管理、采购成本领先战略三个方面对改进安徽长丰扬子汽车公司采购成本控制提出一些策略。

    In Chapter five , improve a number of procurement cost control strategy from the main procurement risk control , strategic cost management , cost leadership strategy about three aspects of Changfeng Yangtze Motor Company .

  25. 概括论述了风险和风险管理、工程项目的概念和特点、工程项目风险及其采购风险管理的相关理论,简要阐述了工程项目风险的识别与评价方法。

    In this part , this paper summarizes the theories relating to risk , risk management , engineering project risk and its risk management , briefly demonstrated engineering project risk identification and assessment methods . 4 .

  26. 第五,在金融危机情况下,市场风险陡增,企业资金链濒临断裂,控制采购风险成为企业应对金融危机的重点,提出了采购风险控制策略及解决企业资金保障的方案。

    Fifthly , in the face of the financial crisis , the market risk increased sharply , corporate finance verge of breaking , it proposed purchasing strategy and risk control programs to solve the financial security company .

  27. 本文针对现货市场的特征,结合供应链采购风险管理中的合约组合管理理论,建立了一种基本的采购合约组合,并用两阶段的供应链模型去进行探讨。

    This thesis has analyzed the characteristics of the spot market , and designed a basic contract combination using the supply chain procurement risk management theory , and discussed the contract combination on a two-stage supply chain model .

  28. 采用混合策略后,制造商的均值&方差效用水平得以提高。(2)原材料相应的金融市场工具存在时,制造商能利用期货或期权金融工具来应对原材料的采购风险。

    The mean-variance utility of a manufacturer is improved after adopting a mixed strategy . ( 2 ) If the corresponding financial tools of a raw material exist , a manufacturer can utilize futures or option contracts to hedge the procurement risk .

  29. 结合W企业的实际情况和W企业专家的实际经验,给出了W企业采购控制风险的等级和风险区间,并得到了企业采购控制各级风险评价标准。

    According to W company real situation and expert experience , this paper has also given the rate and risk section of W company purchasing control and got the evaluation standard of the purchasing control .

  30. 首先应明确集中采购财务风险控制的目标和原则,其次在集团公司管理制度上进行控制,最后在COSO内部控制框架基础上,提出财务风险控制的具体政策建议。

    First of all , objectives and principles group centralized purchasing financial risk should be clearly focused , followed by the control of management system in the group , and finally based on the COSO internal control framework the specific recommendations on group centralized purchasing internal financial risk are proposed .