
  • 网络Procurement Agency;Purchase agent;procurement agent;Sourcing Agent
  1. 知道贵公司在中国的采购代理,我们想推荐我们公司给您。

    Knowing your company are purchase agent in China , we would like to recommend our company to you .

  2. 买方名称,采购代理名称。

    Name of purchaser and name of procurement agent .

  3. 本文主要讨论了电子商务的策略及其实现,最后给出了研究实例,即在线书店相关的最佳采购代理BBMA(BestBuyMobileAgent)。

    This thesis presents the strategy and implementation of electronic commerce and proposes Mobile agent called BBMA ( Best Buy Mobile Agent ) in the context of different " online " bookstores as a Case Study .

  4. 日本MISUMI公司的采购代理店式营销模式

    Distribution Pattern of Japanese MISUMI Co. 's Purchasing Agency

  5. 采购代理被授权使用公司的定单购买私人货品。

    Purchasing agents are authorized to use company purchase orders to buy personal items .

  6. 只有采购代理出现人员过多的情况。

    Only the purchasing agents were overstaffed .

  7. 我在海外有广泛的联系,我能否作为采购代理提供服务?

    I have good connections overseas . May I offer you my services as your purchasing agent ?

  8. 本文分别对采购代理机构的成本补偿激励机制、基于声誉的激励机制、基于多项行为的激励机制进行了研究;

    The dissertation studies the cost-plus incentive mechanism , the reputation incentive mechanism and the multiple-tasks incentive mechanism of the procurement agencies respectively ;

  9. 我们已经为众多海外客户提供最有竞争力的中国商品采购代理服务,使得客户拓展业务能始终保持领先地位!

    We have for many overseas customers with the most competitive China 's commodity procurement agency services , enabling customers to expand their business to always maintain the leading position !

  10. 而另一边,犹他州奥勒姆市的一位大学采购代理、现年49岁的纳尔逊先生正在读着养蜂的书。他说:我觉得,可能这也没那么糟吧。

    Mr. Nelson , meanwhile , read the beekeeping book . ' I thought , maybe this isn 't so bad , ' says the 49-year-old university purchasing agent in Orem , Utah .

  11. 据美国劳工统计局称,为企业购买机械或设备,没有大学学位的采购代理每年可以挣到大约60000美元。

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , purchasing agents , people who buy machinery or equipment for businesses , can earn around $ 60000 a year without a college degree .

  12. 其次,分类讨论了供应链协调中的共享信息,运用博弈论分析了采购代理下的信息共享的经济效益,证明了随着信息共享程度的加深,供应链系统各成员以及总的利润水平上升。

    We used game theory to analyze the economic benefits of information sharing under procurement agent , proving that both SC members and overall profit increased as a result of the higher information sharing level .

  13. 为解决这个问题,可将移动代理用于包含电子商务信息的移动采购代理中,该代理能在不同的提供商中找到既定服务的最佳价格。

    To solve this problem , we can use mobile agents in the context of e-commerce composed of mobile shopping agents , which travel among the servers of different vendors to find the most convenient price for a given service .

  14. 首先,建立了采购代理下供应链的基本模型,设计了滞销补贴契约和填补缺货契约相结合的联合契约机制,使采购代理商的最优采购量达到集中决策时的水平。

    First of all , we established the basic model of SC under procurement agent . And joint contract mechanism combining markdown-money contract and fill-shortage contract was designed to ensure the optimal procurement decision to reach the concentrate decision-making level .

  15. 本文着重介绍一种基于XML的B2B电子商务采购软件代理的开发模型和具体实现过程。

    The paper emphatically introduces a development model and the concrete realization process of B2B electronic commerce purchase software agent based on xml .

  16. 军队武器采购委托代理关系中的激励与约束机制

    Incentive and restraining mechanism for the Principal-agent of the military weapon procuring

  17. 军用物资订购局应成为军用物资集中采购总代理

    Military material procurement offices should become the general agent

  18. 装备采购委托代理关系分析

    Analysis of relationship between equipment principal and agent

  19. 政府采购招标代理及其审计监督

    Auditing and Bidding Agency of Government Procurement

  20. 通过建立政府采购招标代理机构审计监督体系,来解决采购过程中存在的招标失败问题和腐败问题。

    It founds the system of auditing to solve the question of bidding failure and corruption .

  21. 工程采购的代理成本

    Agency Costs of Engineering Procurement

  22. 作为政府采购招标代理机构重要一环的评标方法的选择,笔者经过验证选用了综合加权平均差价法。

    The author chose the method of integrated weighted average price difference in the method of bidding evaluation .

  23. 我们能为你提供产品的采购、代理、商检等出口,一条龙优质服务。

    We can provide the purchase , agent , inspection , export of the product and a dragon superior quality service for you .

  24. 你有负责采购的地产代理吗?

    Do you have a real estate agent representing the purchase ?

  25. 政府采购中委托代理问题及其模型检验

    Principal - Agent in Government Procurement and Its Model-Test

  26. 我们诚望藉由这个机会向您推介敝公司有关采购船务的业务代理。

    We take this opportunity to place our name before you as being a buying , shipping agent .

  27. 执行<政府采购法>,组织实施集中采购,接受采购人的委托代理采购及区人民政府规定的其他职责。

    Implementation " government procurement laws ," the implementation of centralized procurement organization , accepted the procurement and commissioning of the district people 's government procurement provisions of other duties .

  28. 笔者正是通过对政府采购招标组织中存在的问题进行分析研究,对政府采购招标代理机构的资质、权利、义务加以说明和完善,从而使政府采购招标代理机构的工作程序规范化。

    The author analyzed questions of bidding organizations of government procurement , explained and perfected their qualifications , rights and obligations , and standardized operating processes of bidding agency of government procurement .

  29. 从社会经济发展要求、政府采购制度发展和自我完善的要求着手,阐述了在我国建立和完善社会中介性政府采购招标代理机构的必然性。

    It elaborates the inevitability of foundation and perfection of government procurement intermediaries in three ways : the development of social economy , the development of government procurement systems and perfection of government procurement systems .

  30. 政府采购信息内涵十分宽泛,本文重点关注于采购过程中所涉及的采购机会和采购结果类信息,即采购人或采购代理机构有义务公开的招投标等信息。

    This paper mainly focuses on information on procurement opportunities and results of procurement competition , i.e. information that the procuring entity or its agent has the obligation to disclose in the process of government procurement such as tender documentation .